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The Crime Intelligence Unit in KMP, in coordination with the Flying Squad Unit KMP South, carried out an intelligence led operation and arrested 4 suspects, who form part of a taxi criminal gang, that has been targeting women, going to work very early in the morning, or returning late from work. Disguised as taxi operators, the suspects would lure the female victims to their taxi, where they would strangle and suffocate them using polythene bags. They would proceed to rob their bags, smart phones and other valuables and then dump the bodies of the victims, within Kajjansi Town Council. The task team tracked down the first 3 suspects who included; Katongole Abbas, Matovu Ronald (both conductors) and Turyashemererwa Herbert.

The fourth and key suspect, Nuwagaba Isaac, aged 32, and driver to the taxis, was arrested from Rwakimuli cell, Bukinda sub-county, in Rukiga district. Upon arrest, a search was conducted and tangible exhibits recovered, including Techno Spark black phones, one with a line of Nassali Jenipher, who was murdered, a Samsung phone with two sim cards, a red hand bag, yellow jumper, 6 mobile covers, cash Ugx 500,000= among other exhibits. In addition, two taxi operating along Kampala – Entebbe allegedly used in the commission of the atrocities, under registration number UAU 737T and UAV 473Y, were impounded and parked at Kajjansi CPS.

The first incident of abduction and murder occurred on the 31.03.2024, where Awori Judith, a 25 year old, waitress at Royal Ark Restaurant in Lweza Cell, Ndejje in Kajjansi Town Council, was found murdered and her body dumped near St. Luke Church in Lweza. The victim was strangled to death from an unknown place and dumped.

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Again on the 23.04.2024, another body of an unknown female adult, was found in a sack of Kawotto cell in Kajjansi Town Council. It was dumped by a male suspect, who was captured on camera, fleeing from the scene, after setting fire on the body of the death victim.

On the 29.04.2024, another report was made at Kajjansi Police Station, after another female adult, identified as Nassali Jenipher, was murdered by unknown persons and her body dumped at Bweya cell in Kajjansi town council. The deceased had signs of strangulation, around the neck area, face was blindfolded in a polythene bag.

And then on the 9.05.2024, another body of a female adult victim, that was unknown was found dumped along Jjanja – Lutembe beach road, at around 9am, by an unidentified motor vehicle.

On the 15.05.2024, report of disappearance of Nangobi Sandra was made at Kajjansi Police Division, by her mother Tendo Sulaina, after the victim left home at Kitende, “B” cell, Kajjansi town council at 5am, but did not reach her work place in Makindye. The victim’s phone was switched off and her whereabouts unknown.

There is substantial evidence linking the gang’s involvement in the disappearance and death of the victims. The modus operandi in relation to the deaths of the 5 women, is similar, and the motive was robbery. We have obtained DNA samples for comparison, with the samples picked from the bodies of the victims and from the two taxis.

We continue to caution all members of the public who leave their homes very early and those who return late from work, to be very careful, while boarding taxis, that are not from the gazetted stage points, and those whose occupants are all male. Moving in groups is also advised, because serial killers prey on lone and vulnerable victims.

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As inquiries progress, we are thank full to the Joint task teams of CI KMP, Flying Squad Unit KMP South, CID KMP and Field Force Unit/General Duties at KMP, for their good work, in this violent case. Further efforts are in place to track down the other members of the taxi crime gang.




SCP Enanga Fred

Police Spokesperson

20th May 2024


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