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99% of Ugandan households counted; results to be released next month- UBOS


Statistics body, UBOS has said that 99% of Ugandan households were counted during the just concluded national housing and population census.

“By the close of enumeration on Sunday May,26, 2024, overall coverage was 99 percent. The remaining one percent is attributed to the residents in gates that were not accessible, working single household members such as workers in factories and mines, as well as those who refused to be enumerated,” UBOS Executive Director, Dr.Chris Mukiza said on Tuesday.

He said raw data shows a significant increase in number of households with smaller household size compared to the  2014 census.

Mukiza said that preliminary results will be disseminated on  June,24, 2024 to be followed by provisional results on September,24 2024.

“The final report will be published on December,24, 2024.”

He noted that in line with the internationally accepted best practice, the Post Enumeration Survey (PES) aimed at validating the coverage and quality of data collected during the main census enumeration will be conducted in July 2024.

He explained that PES is an independent statistical activity to be conducted by a team of experts that did not participate in the just concluded census exercise.


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