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Budget Scandal: Former Director and Four Clerks Under Investigation..


As the fallout from the budget scandal continues to unfold, former Finance Ministry Budget Director Kenneth Mugambe is likely to face intense scrutiny from the police’s Criminal Investigations Department (CID).

Mugambe’s tenure in office has been marred by allegations of financial mismanagement and questionable budgeting practices, and investigators are keen to grill him over his role in the long-running budget debacle.

As the investigation into the budget scandal widens, four former Clerks of Parliament who played a crucial role in the 10th Parliament’s budget and finance committees have been summoned for questioning.

These high-ranking officials, responsible for providing critical support to lawmakers, are expected to face tough questions from investigators seeking to unravel the web of alleged financial mismanagement and corruption that has rocked the nation.

In a dramatic revelation during his State of the Nation Address (SONA) in early June, President Yoweri Museveni dropped a bombshell, alleging that corrupt officials in the ministry had formed a sinister alliance with some Members of Parliament to manipulate the budget for personal gain.

According to the President, these unscrupulous individuals had been embezzling government funds, exploiting their positions of power for selfish interests. The shocking accusation sent shockwaves through the nation, sparking widespread outrage and calls for accountability

In a bold move, President Yoweri Museveni recently withheld his signature from the Appropriation Bill 2024, citing a staggering Shs 750 billion discrepancy that had been siphoned away from vital sectors. The President blamed the budget managers for the questionable reallocation, sparking a tense standoff with Parliament.

However, in a dramatic turnaround, Parliament has since relented, reinstating the Shs750 billion as initially intended. With the bill now aligned with his expectations, Museveni is poised to give his long-awaited assent, bringing an end to the high-stakes impasse.

President Museveni’s explosive allegations of corrupt syndicates operating within the Finance ministry and Parliament sent shockwaves through the nation’s capital, and the fallout was swift. Lawmakers Paul Akamba and Cissy Namujju were promptly taken into custody by authorities, accused of engaging in corrupt practices related to the budget process.

The high-profile arrests marked a dramatic escalation in the crackdown on alleged corruption, as the President’s words sparked a chain reaction of consequences that continue to reverberate through the halls of power.

“Why Mugambe took an early retirement.

According to sources within the Criminal Investigations Department (CID), former Budget Director Kenneth Mugambe is set to face intense questioning alongside four parliamentary committee clerks, as investigators probe a web of budget irregularities.

The five individuals will be scrutinized over their roles in alleged financial mismanagement and potential corruption, as the CID aims to unravel the complex trail of budget anomalies that have sparked widespread outrage.

Kenneth Mugambe, a seasoned professional with a storied career spanning 14 years, brings a wealth of expertise in key areas such as strategic planning, public expenditure management, budgeting, macroeconomic management, and public administration.

His extensive experience has equipped him with a deep understanding of the intricacies of public finance and policy, making him a valuable asset in the world of economic management.

Kenneth Mugambe’s impressive resume boasts a coveted seat on the board of the National Information Technology Authority (NITA), leveraging his expertise to shape the country’s technological landscape.

Kenneth Mugambe on left

Additionally, he has held the pivotal role of Principal Economist in the Budget Policy and Evaluation Department, spearheading the Budget Execution and Evaluation Section with precision and dedication. His extensive experience in economic policy and budget management has cemented his reputation as a trusted authority in the field.

Earlier in his distinguished career, Kenneth Mugambe served as an Assistant Commissioner in the Economic Development Policy and Research Department, where he played a pivotal role in shaping the country’s economic trajectory.

Notably, he was a key architect of the landmark Poverty Eradication Action Plan (PEAP) in 2004, leading a team of experts to develop a comprehensive strategy that aimed to alleviate poverty and promote sustainable economic growth. His contributions to this groundbreaking initiative have had a lasting impact on Uganda’s development landscape.

As the Commissioner of the Budget Policy and Evaluation Department, Kenneth Mugambe occupies a critical role in shaping the nation’s financial future. He spearheads the development of the national medium-term expenditure framework, a vital tool that guides the allocation of resources and sets priorities for national spending. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of economic dynamics, Mugambe skillfully balances short-term needs with long-term goals, ensuring a rational and effective distribution of resources that drives sustainable growth and development.


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