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No More Protests in Nairobi and Nearby Areas – IGP Kanja


Douglas Kanja, the Acting Inspector General of the National Police Service of Kenya, has banned demonstrations in Nairobi’s Central Business District (CBD) and its surrounding areas until further notice.

According to the police, criminals have continued to infiltrate protest groups, leading to a troubling trend of disorderly and destructive conduct that has resulted in the destruction of property and loss of lives.

In a statement released just hours before the planned July 18 demonstrations by Gen Z, the police highlighted that they have received credible intelligence indicating that organized criminal groups are planning to take advantage of the ongoing protests to execute attacks, including looting.

“Acting on this information and in accordance with international security standards for public assemblies, which require a designated leader to coordinate, collaborate, and cooperate with the police for peaceful demonstrations, the lack of designated leadership in previous demonstrations has made it difficult to enforce safety protocols,” part of the statement read.

The police service appealed to all members of the public to remain vigilant in crowded areas and to support collective safety and security by sharing any information that could aid in crime detection and prevention.

Currently, it is not yet clear whether this move by the police will satisfy the angry Gen Z of the East African nation, who have promised continuous nationwide protests until their issues are addressed.

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