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Mukiza stings Minister Anite over lies against Dubai Prince, UK High Commissioner


In the latest spat stemming from the controversial Shs545m (about $145,000) paid to UIA management for their role in supervising the Kampala Industrial Park Development (KIPD) project, Uganda Investment Authority Director General, Robert Mukiza has stung Minister Evelyn Anite for telling lies.

Mukiza says Anite deliberately lied about having met with former British High Commissioner Kate Airey and that she  orchestrated a  cyber harassment  scheme against  Dubai Prince Sheikh Mohammed Juma Al Maktoum.

The July 23, 2024  letter making rounds, is copied to President Museveni’s  Principal Private Secretary, the  Minister of Finance, UIA Board Chairman,  the Attorney General and  all the UIA staff who received  the honorarium payments the minister had directed should be refunded, Mukiza stung the minister for peddling several lies.

The Dubai royal was  among 53 individuals honored by President Museveni, with a prestigious medal during this year’s  Heroes Day celebrations .

He was  bestowed with the prestigious Pearl of Africa Grand Master Class One medal.

According to Mukiza, being asked to receive the Dubai prince and subsequently accompanying him for the awarding ceremony didn’t augur well with Minister Anite.

“After receiving the prestigious award, witnessed by the UAE Ambassador to Uganda, some hate-filled individuals threatened by his potential investments, sponsored bloggers to create a sham platform news whose cardinal purpose was to create and promote fictious and fake content against the Sheikh as a conman who is impersonating the royal ruling family of Dubai,” Mukiza says.

Mukiza says that while he was still wondering where the fake news about the Dubai prince could have come from,  Anite sent him a message asking where he was and when he responded that he was escorting Al Maktoum to the airport, the minister fumed.

“You angrily replied that did you know he is a fake prince and UAE government was investigating him? I got so shocked because it was not the kind of statement I expected from the minister of investment whose primary role is not only to attract investors into the country but also protect them at all times.  Where did you get that narrative that he is fake  and is being investigated by UAE? Had you seen a file number of his investigation case in UAE.?”

Meeting with UK envoy

In the July, 23 letter also copied to President Museveni’s  Principal Private Secretary, the  Minister of Finance, UIA Board Chairman,  the Attorney General and  all the UIA staff who received  the honorarium payments, Mukiza says Minister Anite lied when she said she had personally met with  the UK High Commissioner to Uganda, who had directed that the money be refunded.

“I find that the story of your meeting with the British High Commissioner to discuss the day to day of the Namanve project management not adding up, inaccurate, false and misleading.”

According to Mukiza, generally, United Kingdom embassies across the world don’t involve themselves in micro managing projects funded by the UK and particularly the British Commissioner’s office doesn’t at all interfere with the day today running of the projects  funded by the United Kingdom Export Finance.

He added that the Namanve project  was signed between Uganda Investments Authority, v and Standard Chartered Bank and not the British High Commission office which wouldn’t  warrant much of the latter’s involvement .

“The above analysis therefore brings me to conclusion that you lied about the meeting with the British High Commissioner as well as your engagement with United Kingdom Export Finance regarding honoraria and VOP payments to the contractor.”

Mukiza however says as guided by President Museveni during their stormy meeting, he has forgiven Anite for the benefit of Uganda Investment Authority.

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