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British Columbia Issues 163 Canada Immigration Invitations In New PNP Draw


British Columbia has issued 163 invitations to apply in a new draw through the British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP).

The September 17 draw saw a general and category-based invitations issued.

In the general draw, minimum scores ranged from 110 to 128 points, with 65 invitations issued.

On the same date, a targeted draw addressed specific labour market demands in British Columbia.

In the childcare sector, the minimum score was 83 points, with 43 invitations issued. The construction category required a minimum score of 89 points, with 29 invitations issued.

Healthcare professionals faced a higher minimum score of 99 points, with 26 invitations issued.

Latest B.C. Immigration Draws

General Draw

Date Category Minimum Score Invitations Issued Description
17-09-24 Skilled Worker 128 65    General draw
Skilled Worker – EEBC 128
International Graduate 128
International Graduate – EEBC 128
Entry Level and Semi-Skilled 110

Targeted Draw

Date Category Minimum Score Invitations Issued Description
17-09-24  Skilled Worker, International Graduate 83 43 Childcare
89 29 Construction
99 26 Healthcare

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