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Menstrual Inducer: What is it and what does it do?


Menstrual Inducer: What is it and what does it do?

In some periods, menstrual delay is a problem that can be experienced among women.

In some periods, menstrual delay is a problem that can be experienced among women. This may occur due to pregnancy or may develop due to health problems. But this delay does not always mean that there is a problem. Short delays may also occur due to factors such as seasonal changes and stress. Delaying menstruation for a period that will cause a problem is considered a situation that needs to be resolved. It may be necessary to prescribe an expectorant to stop menstruation. These drugs, which induce menstruation, are prescribed by the doctor for regular use for a period of time.

What is a menstrual stimulant?

If menstrual delay is not due to pregnancy, it may be due to hormonal imbalances. Sometimes, menstrual periods may be delayed due to body weight being lower than normal or due to problems such as polycystic ovary syndrome. Menstrual delay can also cause uncomfortable symptoms. These are especially in the form of bloating and edema. Menstrual delay that is not caused by a disease can be eliminated through medications. Menstrual stimulants are drugs that contain hormones similar to the progesterone hormone that the body naturally produces. In this way, it helps to remove menstruation. It is also given to normalize the menstrual period of women who are not pregnant and have not yet entered menopause. In this way, it can be preferred to normalize the menstrual periods of people who have not had a menstrual period for a while. The purpose of menstrual stimulants is to enable people who experience menstrual delay to have their period.

Menstrual periods usually occur at intervals of 28-38 days. Extension of this period; But not being pregnant is called menstrual delay. While this may be limited to just a few days, it may sometimes continue for months. However, if menstruation does not occur within the expected period, a doctor should be consulted and this process should not be prolonged. Problems that may occur with menstrual delay are:

  • worsening headache
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Fire
  • hair loss
  • milk production

Why is menstrual bleeding delayed?

There are various reasons for menstrual delay other than pregnancy. This delay may occur due to a serious illness or due to temporary problems. When regular menstruation does not occur, the progesterone hormone produced in the body cannot rise as it should and the endometrium, the inner lining of the uterus, cannot be shed. As a result of this situation, the endometrium may thicken and cause cyst formation or cancer.


The biggest problem that can affect the menstrual cycle in daily life is stress. Daily routines that can change due to stress and the working order of the hypothalamus, which closely affects the menstrual period, are the biggest causes of menstrual irregularity. At the same time, weight changes caused by stress can also affect the menstrual cycle.

Weight Problems

Eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa or very low body weight are among the reasons for short or long-term menstrual periods. This is because the body pauses ovulation due to insufficient body weight. Not only low body weight but also obesity can cause hormonal changes in the body. Excessive production of estrogen hormone due to obesity can cause delays in menstrual cycles and menstrual periods.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS causes the body to produce more male hormones than it should, creating ovarian cysts. These cysts can lead to ovulation irregularities and delays in menstrual periods. At the same time, irregularities in the insulin hormone occur due to PCOS. Insulin resistance can also cause PCOS problems.

Birth Control Pills

When birth control pills are used, the levels of estrogen and progesterone hormones in the body change. When the pill is stopped, problems such as menstrual irregularities and menstrual periods may occur.

Chronic Diseases

Chronic diseases such as celiac and diabetes can affect the menstrual cycle. Some other chronic problems that can cause menstrual irregularities are Cushing’s syndrome, which develops due to excessive cortisol hormone secretion, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, which causes sexual development disorders, and Asherman’s syndrome, known as intrauterine adhesion.

Thyroid Problems

Underactivity or overactivity of the thyroid gland may cause menstruation. Because the thyroid regulates the body’s metabolism and thus affects hormone levels. It is possible for menstrual problems to occur during thyroid treatment.

How Does Menstrual Stimulant Work?

Progesterone, which is produced naturally in the body after ovulation, is supplied to the body synthetically with menstrual stimulants. Medroxyprogesterone, contained in the menstrual stimulant, provides the body with the progesterone hormone. When the drug intake of this hormone is stopped, bleeding begins and menstruation begins. Progesterone prepares the endometrium for the start of menstruation, and thus, when its use is stopped, the endometrium sheds and starts menstrual bleeding. The event that starts the menstrual period is the decline of progesterone in the body. Stopping the progesterone by increasing it has a menstrual inducing effect as it mimics the decrease in progesterone in the body.

How to Use Menstrual Digestive?

Menstrual Stimulants are drugs available in the market in the form of tablets taken orally. It is recommended to use it with water at the same time every day. It should be taken under the supervision of a doctor and the doctor should be informed about the diseases you have and other medications used. If the person has vaginal cancer or breast cancer, the doctor should be informed about this issue. Various tests may be requested by the doctor before using menstrual stimulants. Hormones that can be tested include:

  • Progesterone and estrogen levels
  • follicle stimulating hormone
  • Testosterone and DHEA male hormones
  • Pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (beta HCG)
  • thyroid hormones

There are also imaging methods that can be used. These:

  • ultrasound
  • Computed tomography
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  • Hysteroscopy (Used to view the inside of the uterus by entering through the cervix.)

In some cases, the use of menstrual stimulants may not be appropriate. Because the use of menstrual stimulants may have harmful effects on the person. These situations are:

  • Recent stroke
  • Vaginal bleeding whose cause cannot be diagnosed
  • Breast and uterine cancer
  • Recent history of heart attack
  • Bleeding disorders
  • liver problems
  • Pregnancy
  • Allergy to any ingredient in the menstrual pill
  • Having a pregnancy plan
  • Breast-feeding
  • Plan for surgery soon
  • Diabetes
  • Asthma
  • Epilepsy
  • heart problems
  • High blood calcium levels

What are the side effects of menstrual stimulants?

Menstrual stimulants may cause various side effects due to the medroxyprogesterone acetate substance they contain. When these side effects persist for a long time, the pharmacist should inform the attending physician. If the side effect is serious, a health institution should be consulted without waiting for time to pass. Side effects that may require urgent intervention: Conditions such as painful urination, lump in the breast or yellowing of the skin. In very rare cases, it can cause serious side effects such as blood clots in the leg and heart attack. These side effects may occur mostly due to use with other medications. In some people, these medications can cause allergic reactions. Side effects related to menstrual stimulants may include:

  • Tenderness in breasts
  • acne formation
  • Increased hair growth
  • Numbness
  • stomach disorders
  • weight changes
  • Hair loss
  • sleep problems

Some side effects can cause more serious problems. These side effects may mean that the person has an allergic reaction or a complication. Rare but serious side effects that may occur when using menstrual pills are:

  • difficulty speaking
  • Shortness of breath
  • chest pain
  • double vision
  • blurred vision
  • swelling in the eyes
  • Depression
  • Yellowing of the skin
  • Fire
  • Hives
  • Itching

The use of menstrual stimulants can be dangerous in some cases. If the doctor deems it appropriate to prescribe a menstrual stimulant, the doctor must be informed about existing diseases and medications. Otherwise, it may cause serious health problems for the person. If various symptoms occur while using menstrual pills, you should consult a health institution and get support as soon as possible.

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