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Zambia Is A Losing Democracy – Prof Lance


Is watching it for the first time any good thing about Zambia that they should know uh even a place they should visit when uh they’re checking in to the kaunda international airport yeah well first of all uh Zambia is a very peaceful Nation zambians are loving people you can’t walk a mile without

Having a Zambian smile at you even if they don’t know you they’ll still smile and say hi how is ugan music fairing in Zambia then you’ll how is Zambian music fairing on the African continent what are you exporting first answer the Ugandan thing then answer the the

Zambian thing well with Uganda uh to tell you the truth currently Uganda music is not fairing well um it’s pretty difficult to to have uh a Ugandan music playing here if it’s not exported here uh that is the thing so so in the first place you find that uh if there’s any

Ugandan artist that is known in Zambia I would tell you it’s Eddie Kenzo that made all the headlines and stuff like that but then after one or two hit songs and it was like he went quiet none of his music was exported or imported here in Zambia so you find that if you

Mention Eddie Kenzo people who only talk to you about one song yeah if it’s not that at least they know exactly so at least people in Zambia know the Ghetto Kids now I would tell you that from Uganda ghetto kids are more famous than a Ugandan artist that is just one true

Fact um right okay I think the B to migration worked well it really did it really did so is good nightes how are you okay uh people from Zambia m buo M buo when you say m is means bride M yeah buo right uh how are you doing hopefully

Very okay my name is Tina welcome to uh the tinta Zambia show and I’m with my guest uh Professor Lance we’re here to talk about what is trending in Zambia what is making Zambia be Zambia yeah man we’re GNA be talking the politics we’re going to be talking

The music we’re going to be talking the lifestyle you know moved around uh in this place I think Roma and the city I’ve seen very many uh things that I think we need to cope at home but before I go anywhere else I would love you to

Uh say hi to the viewers then we start from there all right uh hi welcome of course to this particular broadcast my name is Lance s but obviously popularly known as a professor Lance uh who is a media personality a TV presenter as well as also a radio DJ

Plus with quite a number of things uh that I do uh obviously corporate and events I’m seeing as well as uh an activist for a betterment of uh people that are living in object poverty and uh also just pushing one or two things there’s there’s quite a lot to be

Talked about when you ask about Lance or Professor Lance as a brand let me ask did you derive the name Lance B from the president uh Banda not really it just well so Banda is uh actually a clan that is coming through from the eastern part of Zambia it’s called the Eastern

Province and uh the local language there is cha of which by the way our morning greeting goes like m m exactly so that’s the clan coming from the eastern part of Zambia okay um since you’ve talked about we’ve talked about the B thing let’s first go to the

Political side um how is politics doing how are people fairing because uh the few days I’ve spent here and seeing things okay the roads are good uh people are fairing people are having fun people are enjoying life to you what is your perspective of the Zambian politics well Zambian politics are quite

Diverse I would say um the landscape when we talk about uh the political landscape in Zambia currently one would describe it to say it’s unstable table because there’s quite a number of things that are happening in the country when when it comes to democracy and when it comes to

Politics you find that currently there are only about two biggest political parties in Zambia the ruling United party for National development which is abbreviated as upnd and the former ruling which is the patriotic front abbreviated as PF so you find that there are so many clashes happening between

These two political parties and uh the Civic space with the few happenings that have happened you would describe them to say uh democracy kind of shrinking in the country because the opposition is not let to go about their activities they would apply or notify the police to

Say they want to hold uh a mass public rally but the police will reject uh their notification uh public order act uh is an act that talks about notifying the police if you want to put up a public rally so the police does not have say in

Terms of they can allow it or not but because of that notification you find that they are stressed or strained put by the government of the day telling them you cannot allow these people to meet because apparently the country is not in good State okay um today I was at

The presidential cemeter and um the person that um give us the history of these presidents showed us that uh democracy is one of the vital and key roles key uh me key aspects that the current regime is really riding on but when I hear from you it seems that it’s a

Different course all the way um how did this past president make and what went wrong because right now when you say the public management order you know it is also in Uganda we also have that where the police you ask the police the police deny uh where did the president go wrong

Well you know the president might have the political will uh to see to it that democracy thrives but if you are fighting the battle alone and the people that you appoint don’t seem to move in the same route that you are moving uh whatever decision that you make will still fall on the

Back of the president because he’s the appointing authority so the president might have made nice pronouncements pronouncements that are very Progressive in terms of uh upholding the rule of law and also embracing democracy but the people that he has appointed are seting on that you would be shocked to know

That currently what is happening now there are political parties that would love to Mushroom in Zambia but because of a political hand from a politician uh from the ruling party they would go to the regist of societies and tell them you cannot register this party or this

Person cannot form a political party if they do what happens to you is not known a clear example is of the same former ruling party the PF currently it’s riding on two factions uh the the the other faction which is the legitimate faction uh being led by uh ninda and the

Group and then there’s a faction of m s who is an MP that uh convened a group of people and said that was a convention so what happened is that the original PF had asked the regist of society to produce names of office bearers for the

PF party when the regist of society did that she produced the names of the original PF which is led by rindas and then two days later she was fired nobody knows what caused that then after that her acting the one that was put in as acting produced another list

Of names favoring the other guy that convinced other people as the list for office bearers on top of that there are so many arbitrary arrestes of the other political leaders Zambia has I think about over 32 political parties all these are Vine to see it that they

Govern the country but then if you seem to speak different from what the ruling party is saying then you are considered as the Enemy of the State so it’s shrinking okay um the Enemy of the State uh usually if you are the Enemy of the

State um you never allowed uh to be in that country aren’t you afraid of your life when you start coming up with such a pronunciation about the ruling government what is going on who is stealing money where there’s corruption the bad roads um the currency falling

The debt with China aren’t you afraid of your life H if our forefathers like you mentioned earlier you were at the presidential barrier site if our forefathers Dr David Kenneth kaunda was a coward I don’t think would have been liberated as a country so there’s always

A time that at least uh young men young Gallant people will come up and fight for the betterment of the country so I’m never scared because first of all know that I have the right to freedom of expression I have the right to free speech as long as I’m not insulting the

President nobody can come and say Lance you are doing this and that as long as I’m doing it within the confines of the law I don’t think I need to have somebody to come and intimidate me or threaten me uh with life threats so I’m that person that is not afraid cuz I’m

Looking at let’s get liberated um do you have um any um any um are you are you planning to be an MP or a president because this day the way you talk you sound to be very uh very political than a broadcaster well Ambitions are Ambitions and if you

Lack foresight I don’t think you can act on anything yet as of yet I don’t have any Ambitions or plans of becoming a president because I know how you know the responsibility that a president carries well being mp uh it’s up to the people of a particular constituency that

You would want to stand in for them to decide if you can be an MP or not but yes I would say uh Ambitions are there to say one day at least at some point I should be in the August house by the way our Parliament we call it the August

House so I should be in the August house at least refining the laws and making sure that the less privileged uh you know get the better uh conditions of living that they’re supposed to get I do not believe in the standard of life that we have put where we have classes of the

Lower class the high class and the middle class for me I would rather we go with aism where if you are not there then I’m not there so I am because you are that’s what life should be um let’s uh let let’s drive straight to your job you a media practitioner you’re

Broadcaster you’re a radio producer you a presenter your TV presenter how is the media landscape uh here in in Zambia and uh what does it take for one to be a radio presenter all TV then if he’s there how is the payment um how are these media Mogul making sure these

Radios and TVs stand well media is something that I have at heart tin you would be shocked to to know that my actual uh when I got into media my my first qualification I wasn’t a media personality by the way uh I had um a bachelor in Aeronautical Engineering so

I’m an aircraft engineer when I went into the media people were shocked they like I thought we’ll be seeing you at the airport and I said no I think there’s a certain change that I want to make in the media aspect so uh getting into the media in Zambia is something

Which is porous um they it’s not really hard for somebody to get into the media especially with uh the landscape that we have where we have uh certain media houses mushrooming or coming up and then they fail to plan for maybe 3 4 years of running that media institution with an

I I would still need to you know I approached that media house and they uh they would just audition me and as as long as I’m able to talk and have you know a nice posture then I’ll be employed just like that that’s how porous our media is uh I believe it’s so

Because of um lack of media regulation you know uh we are busy pushing for self self-regulation as a media but the truth of the matter is that we can’t regulate ourselves because the people that are owning these media houses are people that at some point or for lack of a

Better term I would say they are selfish people uh and these are people that lack foresight they just want to create a media house or come up with a media house because they heard from somebody to say it’s lucrative or at some point it may be lucrative so uh media is POR

In Zambia they pay my brother a it lives much to be desired um if if I am going to put a tag a price tag in terms of media personalities how much they get I don’t know converting it into Uganda Shillings but mostly in Zambia if you are highest paid you

Should be getting 5,000 qua now imagine you’re getting 5,000 qua and then you have your basic needs basket which is running at 9,000 238a 47 and you are getting 5,000 qua where is it going to get you you are renting a house which you have to pay 2,500 qua

You have to buy food you have to use transport for you to get to your workplace so the pay is nothing to ride home about or with and then if you even getting that little you even better cuz we have people we have people that are getting nothing tin we have people

People that are going at least a month 6 months without getting paid and then you start wondering to say um how are these people surviving how is this happening so it’s really hectic to be a media personality okay it’s really hectic to be a media personality in Zambia we’re

Going to be coming back in a bit but um you know we’re going to be talking about lots of things here on the set I’m having Professor Lance uh let’s media landscape according to he’s telling me the media is in D situation that it needs maybe a savior needs Jesus Christ

All Prophet Muhammad um to you um does the media uh the media mogos the owners uh employ more of uh people that didn’t do Media or it is uh a general problem that even though you did media even though you did journalism you’ll get you’ll get a job it doesn’t matter

Whether you did or never did it uh yeah so it doesn’t matter whether you did it or not it’s about passion and it’s also about uh your skills remember I I said uh during the interview to say these people have difficulties in terms of uh

Pain uh you know the the the the the workers or paying people that are helping them to sit to that that media house is right perfectly so if you employ somebody that is well informed it would be difficult for you to go a month or two without paying them CU you are

Scared that you might get exposed or uh the person might take the next necessary step to see to it that uh you don’t go a month or two without paying them so it goes both ways uh both the professionals and the skilled are employed in the

Media and these media owners like I said they always lack you know foresight H I’ve seen media houses uh tin that are um are operating for years without a budget how does a business run without a budget no in terms of budget like you budget this is how the media house is

Going to run this is the amount that is needed for you know day-to-day business movements as well as uh also maybe uh paying of salaries and stuff like that that it’s it’s hand to mouth I would call it so it’s what comes in goes out okay um let’s talk about the music first

Of all let me ask this do how is Ugandan music fairing in Zambia then you uh how is Zambian music fairing on the African continent what are you exporting first answer the Ugandan thing then answer the the Zambian thing well with Uganda uh to tell you the truth currently Uganda

Music is not fairing well um it’s pretty difficult to to have uh a Ugandan music playing here if it’s not exported here uh that is the thing so in the first place you find that if there’s any Ugandan artist that is known in Zambia I would tell you it’s Eddie Kenzo that

Made all the headlines and stuff like that but then after one or two hit songs and it was like he went quiet none of his music was exported or imported here in Zambia so you find that if you mention Eddie Kenzo people will only talk to you about one song If it’s not

That at least they know exactly so at least people in Zambia know the Ghetto Kids now I would tell you that from Uganda ghetto kids are more famous than a Ugandan artist that is just one true fact um when it comes to Zambian music what are we exporting well Zambian music

In the first place has a lot of talent um you find that at least 80 if not 90% of our music is being exported on the African Market this is through obviously digital means uh of drro uh you have Spotify and just to mention a few so you

Find that this music is being exported there and uh um we have at least about five to eight big names I would mention to you your Maps uh I would talk to you about venzo Neo and of course uh a number of artists that we are exporting and obviously uh collaborating with

Other African artists and uh making tours in these other African countries so Zambia is exporting 80% of its music into Africa okay um let’s let’s dig deep to uh the ghetto the ghetto people uh we were talking the neighborhood right now where AR stain Rome it’s kind of classy

And I think um while we moving from uh downtown the town to here I saw very many kids on the street um is it the same way that people are really struggling to make end meet and how is the government uh bringing a proposal proposals on how to help uh these kids

And people that are in there need of financial help uh how clean water security and other things that people need in their day-to-day lives well sub uh suburbs are a lot in Zambia or simply put Gatos we call them compounds or Shany compounds uh we have

Quite a number of them and people that are staying there uh on the class which I earlier talked about in the interview uh the lower class now the lower class these are people that either have a job or they don’t at all now the job that

They have is either a skills job or something uh hard labor so you find somebody call for work uh working for a day salary of not more than 50 qua uh 50 qua if you you know 50 qu can’t get you anything in the first place it’s uh

Nothing that somebody can survive on but these are people that are living in those areas so those kids that you saw these are kids that are running away from that home because poverty is too much the levels are so high and they feel that they can help their parents by

Going out into the streets and probably um ask for one or two coins from people and then have something to eat we have people that go a day or two without eating anything imagine two days of hunger you are not having or eating anything it’s quite stressful so this is

What happens or this is what is happening hence the reason why you saw so many kids on the streets looking Dy and uh asking arms also uh trying to see how best they can get at least a few coins for them to fill their tamies now

It is the duty of the government to make sure that it looks after its citizens both socially as well as economically speaking of socially we have uh the ministry of um uh social wow the name is gone yeah and something like that but we have an institution called the social welfare

Now this is the institution that looks after the elderly people this is an institution that looks after the street kids and obviously look looking at the plight of uh people that are failing to meet ends the effectiveness of this uh institution is not to the level that you

Would be happy about it so you find that when the Ministry of Finance is presenting a national Budget on how it wants to run the country in a particular Financial year they allocate huge chunks of money to this particular institution so that it can see to it the street kids

Uh a few you know the elderly are taking care of and all these other issues where the money goes nobody knows but it is the duty of the government and the government time and again it tries by all means um that these vies uh are taken care of um we have talken about

Uh the good and bad about Zambia but I think it’s it’s it’s now the right time we should Market Zambia any any good things about Zambia because um I saw one of the things you to should I guys I’m sorry some I think there’s something biting me here are they called Zambian ants

Yeah oh my God and for you and for you they’re not biting I don’t know why come really okay oh my God okay um someone is watching you for the first time any good thing about Zambia that they should know even a place they should visit when they’re checking into the kaunda

International Airport yeah well first of all uh Zambia is a very peaceful Nation zambians are loving people you can’t walk a mile without having a Zambian smile at you even if they don’t know you they’ll still smile and say hi if not say hi they will weave zambians are

Peace loving people zambians uh naturally people that accommodate uh any other person that they see remember I talked about WM so uh to some degree zambians practice Ubuntu ISM or Ubuntu where they believe that they exist because you do exactly so when we talk about sites that uh people can

Visit when you touch down at the kkia International Airport Kenneth count International Airport uh obviously you went to the presidential barrier site this is a site where Zambia as the first country not only in Africa but in the world that has put um together a place where it’s baring its presidence I I

Don’t think I’ve seen that happening anywhere usually usually yeah okay yeah mhm yeah okay yeah so all the five presidents are former presidents uh you know being buried in one place and then you go there for uh Rich Heritage information CU you you you will be told

About each president what they did what they achieved and how they got to achieve it apart from that when you go to the southern part of Zambia which is the southern province you have uh the Victoria FS H we call it the smoke that Thunders uh it’s always a joy and a

Marvel to to see when you go to the northern part yes well yeah that’s where it is then also when you go to the northern part of Zambia this is where you find uh I think Northern side of Zambia has if not seven it’s eight waterfalls so you have chuma

Waterfalls you have the Kaa Rapids you have chishimba Falls all these are Heritage sites where you go when you go there it’s a Marvel to see

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