Waiting to Be For W music yes Western He loal Music D foree Fore For H Downlo um B Are [Laughter] for Fre M Visa Thank you thank no worries sandwich S very clean very very very clean airport think is the old city of Tania because e very big very big Airport oh I know know thank you very Tired You For Ro Nigeria T Vibration t St Yes ug For R We can never penetrate to Kenya I think it is the way to go for here speak for PL specific ug What AM iy to show you is for God and my stomach on Friday Expence Pro How Comm just M you went to do research you invested in yourself if we don’t invest in ourselves being that even if isearch So so do we say they are selfish on themselves so AF E Fore For For musicians Associ metop For fore information For For for For principle of Justice For for [Laughter] for spe For Bu show for One Ford Fore Fore For M come For Um um Sud E For Lang Bruce Bruce Mer for Secet For Don’t Suppl Pres For Govern Inform Information afri For govern now yes Sir I govern for radi stop making musicians or ugandans think that you’re stupid and you are you are wise Second Business there there is a musician who went in Reg festiv tanzia because these guys are robbing Money why don’t you constru things For PR we just need to trade in East Africa [Laughter] Isad That’s why I respect some of TR point of correction IND so wonderful For per one production I Mean speaking Speaking SC princip a sign ofation that was good SP For For own opinion Good Performance For for For For For For for for for [Laughter] um Mus Mee Ass Metropol for [Laughter] act like a professional be Yeah For op IDE Being Federation number two reason Being One number two professional being Administration Ad Ass For Define a federation Number not Yes for Found way inform Cons found B experience inform Found For for recorded you know [Laughter] what For spe For transp Fore for ined For must be respect Spe Un for For for for like a mat a mature man who has ever been a presidential candidate on Woman Ass Musician Association fore What is this what is this election is spiced up by For for Recorder feelings how are you For For expain Personalities For person For True This is a [Laughter] true for infrastructure development development F Spe radi Foundation president in Waiting of our Pres presal candate star cons at The REM For for For Inform IND For Way F Inform inform Prof yes sir St Work Associ for For The Federation the spokes of the Federation Pleas [Laughter] For Volunte Resar Foree Profession For For For Fation for than Than perance Expect up [Laughter] ass For For for Inform found Was yes Spe 201 for Can