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Enkuuka Vs Nkwacho Festival, Ani Yasinze


For For Spe for for For For For For for For For disppointed For Hey [Laughter] For SC the way they scripted the show right SC think Victor For um supposed to be For perance what they don’t really take time to revise give performances time that it really needs also time to rehearse even if you don’t have any performance I’m Sor I’m sorry to Say all for that’s the for perance for over driven by politics H for what want M for prod for for For For Per For to Fore For There is more politics in the music industry than in the parliament all Spe for [Laughter] Yes ah um For for For [Laughter] best then for we have that undivided Division division for Div now For and the easiest way to wear off a tool is to throw it out eliminate to eliminate it so There is always a and Punishment Um Mus for govern for For through For For for for Metro for yes Sir For yes sir very good place yes for t m for for For for for got I see



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