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Activists start campaign to annoy the corrupt


Activists have started a campaign in which they have dedicated time and resources to “annoy” the corrupt officials .

Named ‘ text the thief’ the campaign is aimed at sending text messages and giving phone calls to officials who are involved in corruption and those who glorify corruption.

The campaign was launched over the weekend in response to a speech by Rakai Woman MP, Juliet Kinyamatama who defended jailed Lwengo MP Cissy Namujju over corruption.

“If she(Namujju) stole as we all hear, she has been sharing [the loot] with people ofLwengo,” Kinyamatama chanted.

Speaker of Parliament, Anita Among said, “You are better having a child who eats and brings home.”

According to Godwin Toko, one of the leaders of the new campaign, members of the public will be given phone numbers for officials who are suspected to have engaged in corruption so they can “annoy them.”

“The struggle for freedom has no formula. Whatever method one will point at for having worked in some places most likely failed in many other places. Let everyone do what they can within their means. Let the social media warriors tweet their feelings about the politicians messing the country up.Whatever works for you, do! No one stands in your way by tweeting their disgust,” Toko said.

Through this campaign, members of the public are encouraged to request for phone and Whats App numbers  of government officials they seek to “annoy” and they send them text or What App messages expressing their dissatisfaction at their involvement in corruption.

“Defending and glorifying it undermines the urgency and the fight against corruption, setting our country back significantly. We shouldn’t waste so much time getting divided on what isn’t working, or failing for that matter. If what you what you believe in worked and you engaged it as you should instead of telling us how what we are doing isn’t working – we wouldn’t be here anyway.”

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