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As you are all aware, this year’s Martyrs Day Celebrations, will be held on the 3rd June, 2024, at the Holy Shrines and Sites in Namugongo, where millions of pilgrims are expected to gather, at the 3 religious venues of; The Catholic Martyrs Shrine at Namugongo, The Anglican Martyrs Shrine at Nakiyanja and at Mamre Prayer Centre. The pilgrimage at the Muslim Shrine in Nakiyanja will take place from the 10th to 15th June, 2024. Therefore our focus is on the three religious venues.

In our country, faith plays an important role in our community. For instance, the residents and neighborhoods in Namugongo, continue benefit from the provision of social services and utilities in their areas. It also provides a sense of unity, Solidarity, Companionship and fraternity for those with similar religious beliefs. According to our analysis and the religious leaders at all venues, we anticipate between 2-3 million people at  Namugongo, 1 million at Nakyiyanja and 50,000 at Mamre from all parts of the country, from our neighboring countries  of DRC, Rwanda, Burundi, Kenya, Tanzania and South Sudan, and from other parts of the world like Japan, USA, Nigeria, South Africa, Mozambique and Zimbabwe

Although, there are no credible or specific threats directed towards the Uganda Martyrs Day Celebration in Namugongo, there are individuals or groups with ideological differences, that can result in threats and attacks anywhere, including places of worship. But as the joint Security Agencies, we are doing everything within our means, to protect all pilgrims, faith- based tourists, well wishers, communities, the religious infrastructure, at all the 3 religious venues, and the immediate neighborhoods.

We continue to regularly review, our level of preparedness and assessment of the threats and vulnerabilities, towards the popular religious celebrations. Although we cannot share the specific details of our security master plan, we have would profiled all the venues, hotels, routes, neighborhoods, businesses, parking areas and hot spots in the area to help identify potential risks. We have also have standby teams, mobile squads, advance teams, 999 patrols, motorcycle squads, CID, JIC, K9, Traffic, General Duties, Medical, Child and Support , Integrated Highway, UPDF, SFC, Uganda Prison Services, CLOs, and PROs etc as part of the multi layered Security postures. In addition, our cyber and ICT teams have deployed CCTV cameras, unmans aerial vehicles, to effectively monitor the conduct of the pilgrims at all the shrines and the routes they will use. The joint UPF and UPDF Airwing will conduct aerial surveillance. All those capabilities are aimed at protecting everyone to enable them, celebrate and enjoy the Uganda Martyrs Day Celebration, 2024.

To the pilgrims, faith-based tourists and well-wishers, we urge you to remain vigilant and focused while at any of the venues. Vigilance is a virtue, by being observant, you will be able to detect any potential problems and effectively follow the religious celebrations. All pilgrims must familiarize themselves with emergency exits for use when necessary, watch the body language of all people around you, and exercise caution posting your location online. You are further urged to carry your ID or other identification documents, keep an eye on your personal belongings, wallet, mobile phones and other objects of value; avoid leaving elders or children alone. For instance, two children strayed away from their parents, but were traced, recovered and reunited with their mothers. Be aware of strangers, ensure your mobile phone is fully charged, let your family and friends know where you are: All persons with disabilities should know that preparations have been made for them.

We want to also encourage the pilgrims to be aware of their physical health and condition. They should not take risks by subjecting themselves to perseverance, hunger, thirst, standing for long, over congesting and other risky practices. In case of any signs of weakness, seek for immediate medical attention. In addition, it’s important to follow the rules at all venues, take care of the common facilities, milestones, signs, information panel and respect the pathway rules. All critical areas are restricted and service providers profiled including cooking areas and business areas.

As a security precaution, the following items will be prohibited from entry into the venues; aerosols, ammunition, animals other than police K-9 dogs, backpacks exceeding size restrictions, balloons, bicycles, unmanned aerial vehicles, like drones other than for security, explosives, firearms, glass, thermos, metallic containers, pepper spray and any other items determined to be a potential hazard to the public event.

We want to assure the public that we remain committed to working with all stakeholders to ensure a very successful religious pilgrimage at all venues. Those in danger or other emergency, can make use of the UPF-MOBI APP, are encouraged to do so, or call the nearest Police Unit or our National Operational Emergency Centre at Police Headquarters, Naguru, on telephone contacts  0800199699, 0800300102,0800122291, 0776999135 or 0707600773.


SCP Enanga Fred

Police Spokesperson

31ST May 2024

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