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Bishop Odongo Decries Corruption at Soroti Hospital


The management of Soroti Regional Referral Hospital has asked the Bishop of Soroti Diocese, Rt. Rev. Kosea Odongo to intervene following reports of corruption at the hospital.

The plea was made by the Principle Hospital Administrator of Soroti Regional Referral Hospital, Benzy Omoya during a press briefing with Bishop Odongoa at the hospital.

Bishop Odongo led a team of clergy and Christians to pray and share with the patients in the hospital as one of the activities to commemorate his 5th consecration anniversary.

During his visit, the bishop interacted with patients, their attendants, and the hospital administration on a range of issues. Omoya told the Bishop that corruption is a hindrance to service delivery in the hospital.

He said that his office has continued to receive cases of alleged extortions in different departments of the hospital but notes that even when he cracks a whip on the individuals involved, district leaders intervene and set them free.

Omoya notes that his office has caused arrests of more than 10 people for different corruption tendencies but none has been prosecuted. 

Omoya notes that culprits use the names of people including medical workers in the hospital to solicit money from patients or their attendants.

Bishop Odongo condemned corruption tendencies and asked those involved to desist from the vice. He said that corruption only brings suffering including poverty to the communities.

Peter Okubu Aeto, one of the elders in Soroti urged the Teso leaders to interest themselves in the running of the hospital and all other government institutions to ensure transparency and proper management for effective service delivery. According to Okubu, Teso should take advantage of the existing key government offices in the region to cause development in the area.

Some of the patients who interacted with the bishop said that his visit had caused a big improvement to the patients and their attendants. Beatrice Apimo, one of the mothers admitted to the pediatric ward, says that the bishop’s visit has caused an improvement in her son’s life who had been operated on in the hospital.

Bishop Kosea Odongo is celebrating the 5th consecration anniversary as the bishop of Soroti. The celebrations which will climax with a thanksgiving on Sunday, have been preceded by several activities that started on Monday with the cleaning of Soroti City.


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