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Bobi rallies cleared but police to hold NUP tails in check


Police have cleared National Unity Platform and its president, Robert Kyagulanyi to resume their mobilization tours around the country but under strict conditions.

Last week, NUP began the second phase of its mobilization tours aimed at organizing structures for the 2026 general election.

However, police disrupted the activity, saying the party had not followed police guidelines.

The opposition political party has since blasted police for targeting their political activities for repression.

The party has since halted their mobilization tours until tomorrow, Tuesday.

On Monday morning, the NUP leadership held a harmonization meeting with the police leadership in a bid to ease the tension between the two.

According to the deputy police spokesperson, Claire Nabakka, the meetings have been cleared but on condition.

“ They have been cleared to continue with their meetings but on condition they adhere to what was agreed during the meeting,” Nabakka said in a statement.

She explained that the conditions to be met by the leadership of the opposition political party include having to notify the IGP early enough to allow police management reply in time and that their letters must be copied to the territorial commanders.

“The District Security Committee shall carry out an assessment of security at the venue, environs, and the route that the NUP members intend to use before the meetings. The committee will work together with the liaison officer of NUP to agree on an appropriate venue where Police can effectively provide security. The assessment will be in coordination with town clerks who always grant permission for venue usage,” Nabakka said.

She said the NUP  leadership will be required to  provide a liaison officer whose role will be to coordinate with Police and its  commanders regarding preparations for holding their activities and following up on security concerns from the party.

Nabakka said the meeting also urged the NUP leadership to prevail over their members who wear military insignia, as these acts contravene the law.

“ Persons found culpable shall be dealt with individually,” she  said, adding that in case of the NUP items confiscated by security, the operations director, Frank Mwesigye will follow up the matter.

“Regarding NUP members arrested for acts contravening the law, the meeting agreed that the NUP liaison officer should always contact Police for follow up.”

By the look of things, the set conditions to be met by NUP before allowing their mobilization meetings seem to be meant to put the party’s tails in check.

It however remains to be seen if they will be adhered to.

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