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Brig Asaph Mweteise takes over as deputy SFC commander


Brig Asaph Mweteise has taken over from Brig Charity Bainababo as the new deputy commander of the Special Forces Command( SFC).

This was during a function held at SFC headquarters in Entebbe on Wednesday.

Speaking during the handover ,  SFC commander, Maj Gen David Mugisha applauded President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, who is also the Commander-In-Chief for building a strong and professional army.

“In a very special way I want to take this opportunity to thank the President of the Republic of Uganda, Gen Yoweri Kaguta Museveni for establishing and building the UPDF from a small force to a mighty, professional and capable army that is able to defend the Constitution and protect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Uganda,” Maj Gen Mugisha said.

He also  also applauded  the Chief of Defence Forces (CDF), Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba for his role in the development of the army and SFC.

“In the same spirit allow me to applaud the CDF for his patriotic conviction, gallantry, mentorship of leaders and his passion for training which has galvanised and solidified SFC personnel in the fight for peace and the general pacification of the fraternal sister nations,” he said.

Maj Gen Mugisha also commended Brig Bainababo for being a good leader with whom they have had a good working relationship dating way back from their training days at Kaweweta.

“To the outgoing deputy commander SFC, Brig Gen. Charity Bainababo, we have toiled together since our military infancy, our initiation into the military fatigue and soldiering as young recruits, cadets, junior officers, staff officers and currently, Generalship, invokes a strong sense of spiritual joy and growth. I’m so grateful for your zeal, commitment, dedication, selflessness, exemplary and foresight of accomplishment of tasks,” Maj Gen Mugisha noted.

He wished her well and the best of luck as she moves to the highest pinnacle of military training.

To the incoming SFC Deputy Commander, Maj. Gen. Mugisha congratulated Brig Gen. Nyakikuru upon appointment.

“I have all the confidence that with your experience in command of the mighty commandos, together we shall achieve,” he said.

On her part, Brig Gen Bainababo congratulated Brig Gen Nyakikuru upon being elevated to the second highest office in the structure of SFC.

She also thanked the president for giving her the opportunity to serve in the various offices under the SFC.

On the other hand, Brig Gen Nyakikuru thanked the president, the CDF for appointing and nominating him respectively.

Col Owamagyezi hands over to the new SFC CIMIC director, Lt Col James Musinguzi

He also thanked Brig Gen Bainababo for executing her tasks meticulously.

Brig Gen Nyakikuru assured the commander of the SFC that the office he is taking over will remain alive.

He also called for teamwork to ensure that they effectively fulfil their mandate.

On the same occasion, the outgoing Director of Civil Military Cooperation, Col Gilbert Owamagyezi handed over office to his successor, Lt Col Moses Musinguzi.

Col. Owamagyezi stated that the Directorate of CIMIC is purely responsible for nurturing soldiers through ideological development, something he said, SFC is proud of.

He tasked the incoming director to consider entrenching ideological orientation.

“It’s very important to maintain the strategic relationship with the civilian population if we are to remain a pro-people’s force,” he urged.

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