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Centenary bankrolls 20th edition of Masaza Cup with shs200m


Centenary Bank, the largest commercial microfinance bank in Uganda, has recommitted its support towards the 2024 Masaza cup with a sponsorship package worth shs200 million.

The recommitment is in keeping with the bank’s pledge last year to support the tournament with shs600m over a three- year period.

Speaking at the launch, Joseph Balikuddembe, the Executive Director of Centenary Bank, reaffirmed the bank’s support for nurturing emerging talents.

He called for a fair spirit of competitiveness among the different teams participating in this year’s edition.

“Our work in community extends beyond sports to health, education, environmental conservation, church activities and other community initiatives like nutrition, construction, to mention but a few,” Balikuddembe said.

“To all the teams participating in this year’s tournament, I extend my best wishes. play with passion, integrity, and respect for one another. Remember that this tournament is not just about winning but also about demonstrating the highest standards of sportsmanship.”

Buganda Katikkiro, Charles Peter Mayiga  thanked Centenary Bank for its continued support of the Masaza tournament which is an avenue for young talents to display their talent on a recognized platform.

“I am very happy to launch this year’s edition of the Masaza cup where like every year, young people with hope and aspirations come together to use sport to unite their counties with the hopes of exhibiting their talents and winning this prestigious tournament,” Mayiga said.

“The strides that the Masaza Cup has made wouldn’t be possible without the support of partners like Centenary Bank. This kind of commitment is the virtue we hope our sportsmen can instill in their quest to win. Without such dedication from our partners, this tournament would not have gained the traction it has over the years. We would like to thank Centenary Bank for continuing to support the development of local talents and hope that we shall continue working together.

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