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Colon (Intestinal) Cancer: Symptoms and Treatment


Colon (Intestinal) Cancer: Symptoms and Treatment

Colon cancer is the third most common cancer and the third leading cause of cancer-related death among both men and women. However, when diagnosed and treated in its early stages, it is among the most treatable cancers. The five-year survival rate among those diagnosed and treated at an early stage is 90%. In some cases, regular screening enables the detection of possible precancerous formations and thus prevents the formation of cancer in the first place.

The colon is a tube-shaped organ that forms approximately 1.5-2 meters of the intestine. The colon and rectum make up the entire large intestine. The rectum is a short area that forms the last part of the intestine and where feces are stored. Digested food from the small intestine comes to the colon and the remaining food is digested there. The part to be excreted comes to the rectum and waits there to be excreted. Colon cancer starts in the cells in the colon and sometimes turns into polyposis. Although it is a treatable condition if it is detected early and does not spread, it is a disease that spreads in the colon wall first in cases where early diagnosis is not made. After intracolon spread is completed, spread to different organs and tissues, called metastasis, may occur. Colon cancer can progress to vital organs such as the lungs and liver, especially through lymph nodes and vessels.

What are the symptoms of Colon (Intestinal) cancer?

In colon cancer, there is often a change in defecation habits. Because it produces symptoms, it is more likely to be detected more easily than many types of cancer. Although the symptoms are related to defecation, since the colon is a long organ, involvement in the left side of the body and the right side of the body may cause different symptoms. The colon becomes narrower in structure on the left side. This causes the stool to become thinner, bleeding while defecating, change in routine, etc. may create situations. Since the right side is relatively larger, symptoms appear later and early diagnosis becomes more difficult. However, in general, common symptoms are:

  • Feeling that the intestine is not fully emptied, even after defecation
  • Disruption of defecation pattern (diarrhea, constipation)
  • Bleeding or blood in the stool
  • Feeling pain while defecating
  • Observation of a transparent secretion in the stool
  • Abdominal pain and swelling

These symptoms appear early and are easy to notice by the patient. Following these symptoms, indirect symptoms such as weight loss, decrease in blood values ​​and anemia, formation of a mass in the abdomen, and increased pain sensation as the intestine may become blocked in later cases are also observed. For early diagnosis, the patient must be aware of his/her defecation pattern and follow his/her own normal.

What causes colon cancer?

Genetic factors are often an important cause of colon cancer, as in other types of cancer. If there is a family history of colon cancer, the risk increases. However, the age factor is also effective. Involvement was observed especially in men aged 50-60. Polyps that initially form as benign in a person’s intestine can turn into cancer in some cases. Polyps are tiny protrusions that form within the intestine. If these protrusions are noticed, it is useful to have them followed.

It is known that the risk of developing this cancer increases as a result of some changes in genes. In some cases, the patient has an underlying chronic bowel disease. Since diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease and ulcerative colitis affect the inner surface of the colon, in some cases they can act as a trigger for colon cancer. Lifestyle such as smoking and unhealthy diet can also be considered as causes of colon cancer.

What are the stages of colon cancer?

Although the stages of colon cancer are not separated by clear boundaries, they are divided into approximately 5 stages in order to determine the treatment to be applied. Symptoms vary in these stages and provide information about the extent to which it has spread.

  1. Stage: It is the earliest stage of colon cancer. If diagnosed early, the disease can be overcome by removing and monitoring the polyps that appear at this stage. At this stage, chemotherapy etc. No cancer treatment is required.

  1. Stage: Colon involvement is observed in this stage. A portion of the colon may need to be removed. In some cases, these can also be removed as there may be spread through lymphatic tissues.

  1. Stage: It is a stage in which there is spread outside the colon, but there is still no spread in distant tissues. In cases noticed at this stage, most of the colon and lymph nodes are removed. Chemotherapy is recommended for patients at high risk of recurrence.

  1. Stage: In stage 3 of colon cancer, the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes. Spread is rapid in this phase. Spreading tissues are removed surgically and chemotherapy is administered.

  1. Stage: In the last stage of the cancer, it spreads to distant tissues and organs and the patient’s condition worsens. Surgery is generally not preferred, treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy are tried. After these treatments, cancer cells are expected to shrink. If the desired level of shrinkage occurs and it is decided that the patient will tolerate the operation, an operation decision can be made.

How is colon (intestinal) cancer diagnosed?

Endoscopic methods such as colonoscopy are mostly used in cancer diagnosis. It is easier to diagnose compared to other methods. Since polyps, if formed during colonoscopy, can also be removed, it also creates a treatment opportunity in a sense. A stool sample is usually requested from the patient and the necessary examinations are also performed on the stool. The pieces taken during endoscopy are examined pathologically. In some cases, computed tomography may also be requested. Examinations such as MR-PET may also be requested at this time.

How is colon (intestinal) cancer treated?

The treatment protocol for colon cancer is generally aimed at increasing the patient’s life expectancy and quality. Polyps that have the potential to cause cancer are usually first removed with a colonoscopy. Surgical treatment is mandatory for the initial stages. Tumorous parts are removed. If the cancer has metastasized, usually through the lymph and vessels, the tumor is expected to shrink with treatments such as chemotherapy. With the developing technology in recent years, life expectancy in colorectal cancer has increased and the chances of treatment for patients have increased. Some treatment methods used to improve quality of life include:

Invasive surgery method: Colectomy is the name given to the process of cutting and removing a certain part of the colon. It is a radical treatment that usually works.

Defecation in the bag:This practice is generally preferred when the last part of the patient’s colon is removed. Sometimes, in order for the intestine to perform its expected functions after the operation, the small intestine is temporarily opened to the abdominal area and defecation is achieved from there. If it is close to the anus, the patient defecates into a bag.

In large intestine cancer, simply removing the tumor in the large intestine may not be enough. In areas where cancer has spread, tissue and organs may need to be removed, even partially. The reason for this is that even if only cancerous tissues are removed, the disease may recur in the remaining tissues. Taking precautions for this can prevent future situations.

What are the precautions that can be taken to protect from colon (intestinal) cancer?

In order to be protected from colorectal cancer, it is first necessary to pay attention to your diet. Fibrous foods are healthy for the intestinal system. It is beneficial to have a diet high in fiber content. Foods such as excessively fatty and spicy foods tire the intestines. Therefore, it would be beneficial not to consume these foods frequently. It is important to get enough calcium and vitamin D. Since excess weight can also be a risk factor, the person should lose weight through exercise appropriate to his or her age. It is important for early diagnosis that patients who are at risk from the age of 50 onwards participate in regular screening tests. If a person has a family history of colon cancer, he or she is expected to be more careful about this issue. If possible, these people are asked to follow their stool routine routinely. If some of the symptoms are encountered, the person should apply to a health institution for examination.

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