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Condom Shortages Persist in Rural Uganda Despite Government Efforts


While free government-issued condoms are readily accessible in many urban areas of Uganda, their scarcity in rural regions and islands remains a significant concern. This disparity has sparked discussions, with many arguing that the government’s focus should shift towards these underserved areas due to various critical factors.

In June, reports emerged highlighting a severe shortage of condoms on Mpuga Island in the Buvuma district. These reports, which gained traction both in mainstream and social media, revealed that not only were condoms scarce, but some residents claimed they had to purchase them, despite them being distributed for free by the government.

Alarmingly, some locals reported resorting to using polythene bags during sexual activity, a practice that significantly increases the risk of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

Responding to these reports, Dr. Daniel Kyabayinze, Director General of Health Services at the Ministry of Health, described the media coverage as misleading. He clarified that the part of Mpuga Island where media reports is primarily a private property used for commercial farming and is home to only about 50 people.

“Mpuga Island receives condom supplies from Namatale Health Center III through outreach programs every three months. To date, a total of 1,000 condoms have been delivered, along with a condom dispenser and a megaphone to educate the community on proper condom use,” the Ministry of Health stated.

In addition to distributing condoms, the Ministry emphasized that it employs a data-driven, people-centered approach to managing condom supply and distribution. This strategy ensures that all sexually active individuals at risk of HIV, STIs, and unplanned pregnancies have easy access to condoms and are educated on their correct and consistent use.

The Health Ministry reaffirmed its commitment to making condoms and other HIV prevention resources widely available and accessible to the public. This effort is part of a long-standing commitment to the ABC strategy—Abstinence, Being faithful, and Condom use—developed in the 1980s to combat the spread of HIV/AIDS and STIs in Uganda.

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