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DLionHeart Camp: Building Champions & Sickle Cell Awareness


Mixed Martial Arts star Alex Matsiko has launched the DLionHeart Training Camp, a convergence of sports, entertainment, and social impact, dedicated to preparing fighters not just for victory in the ring, but also for a noble cause—raising awareness about Sickle Cell Anemia.

At the heart of this initiative is the upcoming BRAFAI (Blood Run and Fight Against Infirmities), a series of events where Ugandan fighters will take on fighters from across the globe, including India, South Africa, Nigeria, and Kenya among others.

The fighters will engage in rigorous training sessions, reality video recordings, and cultural exchanges, all aimed at highlighting their skills and personalities while promoting a critical health issue that affects millions.

“We are not only signing in and training fighters to become champions, but also ambassadors for a greater cause,” said Matsiko during the press conference at Mulago Guest House.

He emphasized the importance of using the platform of martial arts to bring attention to the plight of those suffering from Sickle Cell Anemia, a genetic disorder that poses significant health challenges in Uganda and beyond.

The event is expected to also boost tourism, with international participants bringing a blend of cultural diversity and martial arts expertise.

“This international gathering will foster cultural exchange, friendship, and a shared passion for martial arts,” Matsiko added.

Alex Matsiko and Umar Semata

The initiative has garnered support from various sponsors and partners, including Ugachick Poultry Breeders LTD, GBK Dairy Products, Dora Car Beauty, Mulago Hospital Guest House, and (Aquafina) Crown Beverages.

Their contributions are seen as a testament to the impact and potential of this initiative to make a real difference in the community.

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Wisdom Enoch Ronnin, founder of BRAFAI, expressed his enthusiasm for the cause, stating, “We aim to harness the power of sports and performing arts as tools for raising awareness about the prevention and management of sickle cell anemia.”

He further explained that the fighters will receive expert guidance on the condition, equipping them to be effective ambassadors for awareness and advocates for change.

The camp’s activities will culminate in several high-profile events, including the Rising Warriors MMA Charity Event Build-up fight on November 9, 2024, at Club Obligato, the Main Event on February 8, 2025, at Serena Hotel in Kampala, and the BRAFAI Marathon on March 1, 2025, at Kololo Ceremonial Grounds.

Ronnin also highlighted the broader impact of the initiative, noting, “Our initiatives will encourage blood donations and offer free testing and counseling for sickle cell patients at all our events, making a tangible impact on the community.”

“By creating awareness and providing resources, our fighters will return home with valuable knowledge and support, fostering a sense of empowerment and wealth.”


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