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Ebya Pallaso bibi -Uganda one Hotseat


All right [Applause] 40 out of 40. Success has never it’s not automatic it only comes to those that get ready for reason so ready ronnie why is uh Um All [Applause] Uh 40 out Foreign success has never it’s not automatic it only comes to those that get ready for reason so ready ronnie [Laughter] [Applause] uh [Laughter] Those are simple allegations [Applause] um Um english Maybe this is taken care of whatever interests you but what we should do is one to innocent respecting our interests uh [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] Foreign [Applause] I know um Regulations Remember this data you’re not gonna get we should not do politics but we should protect the business aspect of this industry what are you protecting over Foreign um Movie foreign m [Laughter] Uh Expecting a promoter effect Um Successful concert in uganda we have not had a successful concert in the last in the last seven years except maybe yeah selena Um Is Is Maybe Is Okay Um relationship industry foreign we should not do politics but we should protect the business aspect of this industry what are you protecting when it comes to this music business not a dragon operator in fact we know protecting our protecting businessmen never funny we are going to seek growth um Um foreign a m [Laughter] Is I’m respecting we are presenting our respecting and actively respecting your promoter in the stream so we are not expecting a promoter respect yeah a collaborative Um Successful concert in uganda we have not had a successful concert in the last in the last seven years except maybe seven hours yes maybe but we’ve not had a successful concert i will never take a cricket over to the imba rama quarter of cricket over here you

Know what well scatter is away but i suppose another ticket is hmm This look like small mistakes but they cost us anyway sorry are you kidding me Is [Applause] Of award awarding for the african 40 out of 40. music whatever it’s not automatic it only comes to those that get ready for reason What do you [Laughter] every one of us is entitled to one opinion but it’s okay no no no no but many times you’re not entitled to a wrong opinion it [Laughter] is [Applause] um what um Compared let’s say to uh to uh a minister in government second just cost of living foreign what no no no no no no no foreign uh no But he also knows how much it takes to maintain it or even to have it or check it out i’m sorry but then it’s symbolizing [Laughter] Should be levied for example these phones for example they flash this for example everything is it is in interest yeah of all musicians or could take it to through the copyright which they give they can earn more than just doing shows concerts concerts are just i just have

Ebirooto Namakulu Gaabyo (March) OKuvunula Ebirooto ,Okuloota new


1 Comment
  1. @nuwamanagement5032 says

    Maximum Respect omusawo tintah

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