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Former RCC Burora remanded over attacking Speaker Among on social media


Buganda Road Chief Magistrates Court in Kampala has sent on remand, former deputy Resident City Commissioner for Rubaga Division, Anderson Burora over attacking Speaker of Parliament, Anita Among.

Burora, a vocal anti corruption activist who was arrested on Monday night from his home in Kira was on Wednesday afternoon arraigned before court and several charges read against him.

Court read charges related to hate speech and malicious information contrary to sections 26A(1)  (a) (c ) and 2 of the Computer Misuse Act against Burora.

It is alleged that between March and June 2024  in the areas of Kampala district or  thereabout, while using a computer via his X handle, Burora shared information which is likely to ridicule , degrade, demean and promote hostility against Speaker Among.

The state also accused the former deputy RCC of using his X handle to share malicious information relating to the speaker.

He was however remanded until July, 9 after the state asked for more time to amend the charge sheet.

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