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Heart Disease Is Not the End of Sexual Life!


Heart Disease Is Not the End of Sexual Life!

Anadolu Health Center Heart Health Department experts provide important information about the effects of heart diseases on sexual life.

Anadolu Health Center Heart Health Department experts provide important information about the effects of heart diseases on sexual life.

Just because a person has heart disease does not mean that a satisfying sexual life is over. Although there is a common belief that a heart attack may occur or the patient may die suddenly when sexual activities are resumed, this risk is low. Generally, a person who has had heart disease or heart surgery can return to his sexual life when he feels ready, and if he has any hesitation, he should share this with his doctor.

The person’s anxiety that his sexual performance may have decreased and the general depression caused by his illness may have led to a decrease in his sexual interest and capacity. This depression is common in heart patients and usually resolves within three months. This situation may result in aggravation of the spouses’ existing problems related to their sexual lives.

One of the most effective solutions to the problem is the encouragement of the patient by his doctor. For example, the suggestions that should be given to a patient who has had a heart attack begin while he is still in the hospital. Doctors are aware of the importance of this issue for the patient and his/her partner and may perform some tests to determine whether the patient has the capacity to return to sexual life. However, fear is not the only reason that disrupts sexual life. Vascular problems that often accompany heart diseases can make it difficult for male patients to erect the penis. Although the complaints of chest pain, shortness of breath and palpitations, which are common in heart diseases, do not generally cause dangerous consequences, they can interrupt sexual activity.

Can heart patients use medication for their sexual life?

Sublingual nitrate tablets or spray can be recommended 5-15 minutes before intercourse for patients with chest pain during intercourse. All these should be discussed with the doctor. Some medications given to heart patients may affect sexual life. In this case, the doctor may prescribe alternative medications.

Can sexual intercourse be resumed after a heart attack?

The condition of the heart of a patient who has had a heart attack is not suitable for tolerating sexual intercourse immediately after the attack. During sexual intercourse, it is an effort equivalent to climbing 2 flights of stairs quickly: heart rate and blood pressure increase during this effort. For many patients, a period of 2-4 weeks is required to restart sexual life. However, every patient should discuss this issue with his doctor. It does not matter in which position sexual intercourse is performed.

Recommendations regarding sexual activity for heart patients

• Do not initiate sexual activity when you are angry or stressed.

• A rested, comfortable time, away from the tensions of daily life, should be preferred for sexual intercourse.

• Rather than starting when you are very full, choose to have sexual intercourse 1-3 hours after eating.

• Choose a comfortable place for sexual intercourse, where intercourse will not be interrupted.

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