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I am being crucified for standing for the truth- Among


Speaker Anita Among has said the problems she is currently facing are because she stood for the truth.

“Those who stand for the truth are threatened, criticized, opposed, misunderstood, and sanctioned. They are even accused or rejected, but I want to tell Ugandans that we will stand for the truth,” said Among.

She was speaking during this year’s Martyrs day celebrations at Namugongo.

The US and UK government have sanctioned Among , together with former ministers Agnes Nandutu and Mary Goretti Kitutu for swindling iron sheets meant for the vulnerable in Karamoja.

The UK government has since announced that on top of the sanctions, it will confiscate all her property in their country while their US counterparts extended travel bans to the spouses of the said officials.

Speaker Among has on several occasions said she is being targeted for her stance on homosexuality and leading the crusade that passed the Anti Homosexuality Act in parliament.

Speaking at Namugongo on Monday, Among insisted that despite being crucified , her ideas that the rooted in godliness and humanity will never be suppressed.

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