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ICT Ministry Urges Media to Refrain From Defamatory Attacks on Officials


Dr. Aminah Zawedde, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of ICT and National Guidance, has urged media stakeholders to avoid defamatory attacks on Ministry officials and to engage in constructive dialogue.

In a statement addressing recent media reports about Non-Tax Revenue Utilization at the ministry, released on Monday, Zawedde expressed concern over the circulating reports.

The controversy arose over the weekend when social media was flooded with claims that the Auditor General is investigating payments authorized by PS Zawedde, following a request from the Attorney General dating back to 2021.

Zawedde clarified that the Ministry of ICT and National Guidance has noted these online media reports, which she described as malicious. The reports concerned a September 2023 request to utilize Non-Tax Revenue (NTR) collected by one of the Ministry’s line agencies.

“The Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development granted approval earlier this year for the use of these funds by the Ministry of ICT & National Guidance to carry out its activities. Therefore, claims that the ministry was stopped from using these resources are untrue,” the statement read.

Zawedde emphasized the Ministry’s commitment to transparency, accountability, and efficient resource management. She assured that the Ministry adheres to these standards to ensure prudent management of all expenditures.

“The Ministry of ICT and National Guidance remains open to sharing information with the public and media, in line with our commitment to open government principles,” the statement concluded.

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