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Inside stormy State House meeting where Anite shed tears, had spat with Mukiza in front of Museveni


The meeting summoned by President Museveni over the sharing of a shs500 million ‘service award’ by Uganda Investment  Authority’s top management has been described by sources as one which was stormy.

The Wednesday afternoon meeting was attended by the Investment and Privatization Minister, Evelyn Anite, UIA Director General, Robert Mukiza, the Irish investor in charge of Lagan Dott, the company contracted to develop key enabling infrastructure including roads, drainage systems and fibre optics in Namanve Industrial Park

According to source privy to the matter, Minister Anite accused Mukiza and his group of fleecing the investor of money  and asked that a refund is made, to which Mukiza first objected before indicating that he indeed took the money with his team.

The minister also accused Mukiza’s  group of pestering the investor to release more money into Namanve while they continued to embezzle the same , telling the meeting that it was about $8million.

Museveni furious

A furious Museveni would later apologise to the investor, asked that he exits the meting and said the country will pay back, after which he asked Mukiza and Anite to provide solutions or face the sack.

A counter accusation ensued as both sides accused each other of corruption.

“ Anite claimed she was being falsely accused of fleecing many investors. She then  shed tears and demanded to clear her name, but the president was in no mood, calling the entire team an embarrassment,” the source, privy to the matter told this website.

It is said that eventually, President Museveni gave Anite the opportunity to defend herself where she  accused Mukiza of bragging to her about being related to  Gen Salim Saleh.

“The president shot down the excuse as rubbish,” the source said.

Hours after the meeting, Anite posted on her X handle, “They are now using marriage connections to cover up their corruption but they will not win.”

Meanwhile, in response, Mukiza accused Anite of fighting an investor, Sheikh Makhtoum, whom she labelled as being a conman and costing Uganda money.

“The president overruled and said that the investor was indeed looked into and it was confirmed he had ties to the Saudi royal family.”

The Investment Minister would later seem to confirm some of what had happened in the meeting when she posted on her X handle, “Who will save Uganda and Ugandans from the corrupt? I can’t believe the corrupt like DG UIA  Robert Mukiza resort to lying about me to  President Museveni in a bid to save their neck.Good news is the truth always wins.I promise to stay truthful to God ,myself and my country.”

She added,” Thank you, Mr. president  for saving Ugandans a loss of £8m through UIA & for ensuring that the shs 546 million  Honoraria of  Robert Mukiza and UIA staff took shall be recovered. I love you and shall always support you, my president.”

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