Thank you so much uh to whoever is watching us right now my name is De gracias and um keep subscribing keep liking keep sharing the love and fun on on my set today or tonight I’m having the brains behind the Royal Roots regy Vibe show Festival in Tanzania right now
We are at France where we going to be having fun tonight but the man behind this is ranking boy and he’s the brainchild of this idea ranking boy how are you and say hello to the viewers ah greeting in the name of the most high jfar Jamaica USA Germany Amsterdam
Africa ranking Boy live and direct Tanzania theam Alliance France is a reg VI show festival live on di right know I’m with my big brother tin welcome Tania um Tanzania is fun Tanzania is very you know the weather everything is okay um uh how did you fall in love with
Reggae first of all well since I was young I used to listen reg I used to love reg and I make A a decision when I grow up when I’m I’m big I will do something big in reg to promote reg all over the world yeah radio station are you a DJ are you a TV presenter I’m a TV presenter right now uh I as a TV presenter because you know
There are very many people that are doing regy but you know the music is not cutting across or is not going global uh many advice too first of all the challenges you’re passing through then the advice you can give to those particular people that are doing reg
Music and they not earning out of it all artists just keep focus on music industry and and be patient with music musical industry record good song record good video your time will come you’ll be shine all over the world all right thank you so much um before you go I want you
To Big up to everyone that has made it possible for you to hold such a massive event tonight big up every time Royal root Studio exclusive promoter of reg 5 show big up all our fans all over the world who support reg VI show big Ras dumpling quality diamond radil na
Steering Shan queens and many more s solo mive keep watching every time ITV came ranking International raning I love you all massive welcome Tanzania reg VI show Festival Live and D we are with my big brother from Uganda yeah man welcome by the way before you go Uganda called can you say
It I love you guys saying didn’t away thank you so much that was ranking boy the man the brains behind the reg Vib show guys you know we’re having fun get hold of the in the event is going on um the performance are going on keep luck to this channel thank you