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Kanye West and Diddy Accused in Alleged Studio Incident, Woman Comes Forward with Shocking Revelatio


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1 Comment
  1. @geoffreybennett8912 says

    If it is a slow burning, but still disturbing, and with all the (long term) behaviour of Dicky and Kandasion have displayed, it seems to me that if the industry is as sick as it seems to be,and has been for as long as I can remember. Gary Glitter, Jimmi Savill ,are two examples of how sick the entertainment industry can be. It breaks me heart to find out that people who wrote lyrics that were worthwhile and worth listening to, and from the very start, that people who you respected in their genre, turn out to be some of the sickest puppies on the planet, but I also place plenty of blame for it all on the gatekeepers, as they are called, I bet there are plenty of the most dabuached figures in history and the people who front it ALL have "blood on their fingers ,so to speak " and the casting couch has become social media and the perfect platform for criminals and bottom feeders to entice,then disgrace you, and it's YOUR WORD AND ESPECIALLY MONEY against the machine that, if they are big earners ,they will basically declare war on you and your whole life and destroy you, and if that doesn't work, you can always be shot by persons unknown. Money, and ESPECIALLY LOTS OF MONEY, can and will bring out the true character, but the enablers are just as guilty because they looked the other way for money, even the most despised behaviour in normal society, you took the money instead. It is a business, and like all business, there are honest businessman (rare but they do exist)and the rest, the problem is that the rest is MOST of the entertainment industry and entertainment in general. Bands that had a couple of hits in the eighteen are still playing, and in a lot of cases, are making more money now, and actually enjoying touring because most of the people at those gigs aren't about getting so wasted that they miss the whole thing, and backstage, the only thing you don't see is the behaviour, and the drugs. Plus, if you went through it before, you can do it again, and you don't have to play every song exactly like it was when it was new,which is another thing that drives Bands apart. Bon Jovi were a five piece to begin with, but as time, and relationships soured it is no just him.Its a sad thing to be in a band for so long, until it's you and him, and he stopped partying years ago, but you still have a taste for it. And the problem WILL come when you get too stoned before the gig and you can barely walk fifteen minutes before you go on stage, but the crazy part is, he has been as toasted before, but when you are in your fifties, pushing 60,you can't do it any more because you will think that you sound fine, but the rest of the band is pissed, and the guy who has been with you through thick and thin, and has been a true friend, has to tell you"NO MORE" I hope Richie invested well, because he is 2 old to be starting a new band,and only if he is COMPLETELY sober. And that's the lot for 87& of musicians who are in a band, the problem now is what the music is telling us is cool and what we should be listening too.I don't care what it is, but there's a few that ,well, more than a few sound exactly like the song that was on two songs ago, and it isn't as good, either. If you are a very good musician, you can get session work or maybe teaching, but if you choose fame,BIG FAME as well, you can be sure you will see the worst of it before you see any good.

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