Kanye West his wife Bianca sensori food tasting event will he open restaurant or catering Biz hello guys welcome back to my channel Xavier radiog and in this video we’re going to talk about e and his beautiful wife Bianca censori now guys before we get into that video let me ask this
Question everyone is talking about yes you know men leggings why is no one talking about that jacket because remember that yes Sports is on items and if we’ve been seeing him in that leggings consistently remember that we’ve been seeing him in that jacket as well which means that that jacket is a part
Of its clothing line isn’t it and let me tell you something that’s a damn good jacket if you ask me I want one of those so I want to hear from you guys would you be rocking one of those jackets providing that it is from his clothing line because listen honey I’m hearing
About we are not ready for what he has to come and I honestly believe that we aren’t ready now we’ve been hearing about you know the clothing line the men jeggings has already gone at well I don’t know if it’s legging jeggings jeggings using I don’t know what it is
But it has gone viral many people have shared it on a few blog sites including shade room and you know what I am honestly impressed at the convenience without many people you know said that you know it would be really interesting to see men in leggings listen the girls
Were gushing over yay because he really looks good in that um you know whether it’s a legging or jeggings or whatever it is it really looks great in that and many people are happy and excited to see what he has coming honey they cannot wait now in this video we’re
Gonna talk about you know he had a food tasting event and I can’t remember seeing anyone talking about it and you know guys that I like to keep you updated with every little bit of detail that is going on so we’re here to talk about the food tasting event so he had a
Food tasting event two days ago it is said that this food tasting event was a private one at the same place he had it at the same venue that he had um the little you know Yeezy get together now all I’m seeing is just bottles of red liquid bottles of clear
Liquid I don’t know if this what kind of liquid this is um but it had it appears to be one of them you know appears to be really thick in um in terms of the concentration one appears to be very thin I don’t know if one is like a
Regular fruit juice and the other is a wine I really don’t know what it is there’s no information on what it is now there was also like food as well for people to taste so when you look at a food tasting event it’s given the sense that you know there’s a big event
Coming up and you have like a food company that is doing the preparation and you’re sampling these Foods ahead of time that’s a sense that I’m getting here because if you think about it you know when celebrities or anyone is going to have a wedding they normally have
Like a food sampling event a food tasting you know where they go and Sample the different meals so they have a sense of you know how well this catering company is especially if it is the first time that they’re working with them so it could be this food food sampling event
Could be you know just for him to get a sense of you know how people would react because he invited the models to come back and other people to come back and Sample the food and Tino leave their idea with him so I believe that we’re
Going to see a grand fashion show coming up very soon not just that I was also told that it has another office space that he rented this office space was initially liked for special functions party and um Consultation Services like architectural consult Consultation Services if you guys
Remember that time when I told you that he was looking for you no young creative Architects to work with them learning that he rented that space a few months prior to that and he has an entire industry we have to call it that he’s about to set up do you remember in my
Early video when I said that even though he has lost a few billion dollars we can see where everything now is that happens is a blessing in disguise because now he’s gonna have full creative control over his money over his businesses without these third parties actually giving him what they feel like
Now the money is going to come to him directly so he has more control over the money even though he’s gonna have to pay people it is still more profitable and it’s better when he has more control over his business once he gets the right people to work in the various department
And those people do a good job of doing their job everything should be a breeze now guys so we can see it has two um two locations now right he has one right next to the Adidas store and um he had an office prior to that so I’m learning that the office
Prior to the one that he just acquired was the one that he’s gonna do as you know um Consultation Services from I’m hearing that it could also have like a venue for small parties Etc so I don’t know if he’s gonna have like a catering company or what the case may be because
If you’re going to have a party space chances or you may have a few people that he’s working with I’m learning that this man is rolling out a myriad of business and we’re going to hear about businesses back to back and it’s gonna so in this
Though it is impossible to us but these are things that he has been working on for over a year even long before he was canceled according to you know those reports these are some of some of the things he has been working before long long before all the drama took place
It’s just that the moment when all those events took place it caused them to you know take a step back from you know pushing those business to the Forefront so now everything is falling into place seamlessly I’m learning that he’s currently um in New York as well I don’t
Know if he’s out there in New York alone or what the case may be but he has been there for a few days and I’m learning that he has been doing a lot of traveling back and forth from LA to New York in order for his Yeezy launch um I
Believe that we’re going to hear about the Paris launch later to come this year based on my understanding so guys um you know that once there’s an update of available I’m going to come back and provide you guys with that update but this is all I want to share with you for
Now until I’m feeling a lot better I love everything put together and just lay it all out for you guys so you can get all the information but know a little bit under the weather so you know how it goes at times but guys thank you
So much for your support and see you all next time bye guys bye guys
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