Kanye West has been sued by GAP Incorporated for two million over an alleged breach of contract according to Radar Online Gap was sued by commercial company Art City Center in October 2022 because of alleged changes made to a downtown Los Angeles building by Yi who was utilizing the space for his Yeezy
Clothing line while at Gap began a lease with Art City Center in April 2021 and the lease ended in March 2022 per court documents Gap said they would pay dollar 104 666 67 per month for rent and eight thousand three hundred thirty three dollars for parking but the agreement stated that they
Cannot make any changes to the space without prior approval however numerous significant unapproved modifications were allegedly made to the building since 2022 Art City Center stated that they are owed 822 thousand dollars in holding damages which are increasing at a rate of 164 thousand dollars per month and additional damages totaling 1.5
Million dollars this lawsuit was brought forth after Kanye terminated the partnership between Yeezy and GAP over a series of alleged contract violations in September 2022 so far gaap has denied all wrongdoing but they believe Kanye should pay the two million dollars since he allegedly caused the damages
This isn’t the first time that a major company has suffered because of their affiliation with the increasingly controversial hip-hop and fashion Mogul in April Adidas was sued by investors over their Yeezy partnership with Yi which began in 2013 according to CNBC TV 18 Adidas was sued by investors in an
Oregon courtroom over claims that the apparel company was allegedly made aware of the risks associated with continuing a partnership heat prior to his anti-semitic outbursts last year in the lawsuit investors in the company said that in a 2018 annual report Adidas reportedly disregarded the concerns with their partnership with Kanye West by
Generally alluding to the risks rather than stating that the company had actually considered ending the partnership as a result of West’s personal Behavior in February 2023 Kanye reportedly reached an agreement with Adidas that would see the company unload the remaining designs in the Yeezy collection according to reports from multiple
Outlets the new contract would allow Adidas to release and promote the existing product created under their previous deal with West however it does not make any provisions for a continuation of the collection reports put the value of the remaining Yeezy X Adidas products at approximately 500 million dollars Adidas was forced to
Sever ties with Yi and his Yeezy clothing line after the controversial Chicago Rapper went on multiple anti-semitic tirades in 2022
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