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KCCA uproots trees planted in Kampala during NAM, G77 summits


In an unprecedented move, KCCA has turned around to start uprooting most of the trees planted ahead of the Non Aligned Movement and G77 plus China summits in Kampala earlier this year.

In videos making rounds, KCCA workers are seen removing the trees, mostly palm trees which were hurriedly planted as the two summits drew closer in January.

In a post on X, city businessman, Hamis Kiggundu who donated some of the trees has expressed concern over the ongoing activity by KCCA.

““Its really sad seeing these KCCA employees poisoning and destroying these palm trees…..where is the patriotism…..We spent alot of money and time… buying,donating, planting and maintaining these royal palm trees across the entire city under their watch and supervision….with such impunitive acts unprosecuted we have a long way to develop as a country…” Kiggundu posted on Friday.

He particularly took offence with KCCA over the 100,000 he donated to them to help beautify the city but also replenish the environment that he said a lot of money was spent on donating, planting and maintaining.

In January, Kiggundu donated the trees at a function held in Makindye.

Kampala Minister, Hajati Minsa Kabanda and KCCA Executive Director, Dorothy Kisaka attended the function and encouraged other members of the public to donate trees.

Emphasizing the collective responsibility of the city’s residents in supporting development initiatives, Kisaka then, urged all city dwellers to actively participate in the tree-planting initiative to create a greener and more beautiful urban environment.

However, the latest turn around to uproot the trees planted has left many  puzzled.

KCCA has since defended the move.

“KCCA is conducting a comprehensive examination of the green coverage in the city to ensure that the existing trees, shrubs and other green coverage conforms to traffic regualtions and public property safety regulations,” a statement by KCCA read in part.

KCCA said they are undertaking  continuous tree growing and city beautification which includes trimming of  all trees that may affect power lines, street lights and security camera visibility.

“Transplanting the trees planted in road islands of less than 2 meters width, relocating trees that are likely to obstruct visibility and free flow of traffic once fully grown and removing trees that have dried up or not in tandem with the expected planned beautification for some areas for a better city.”

The latest development however points to poor planning on the side of KCCA that initially saw it fit to plant the said trees but six months down the road, they are uprooting them.

The decision has left many wondering why KCCA would in the first place plant trees that were to be uprooted in six months.

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