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Key witness Naome Nyangweso to testify as Katanga murder trial resumes


The trial of Molly Katanga, accused of the murder of her husband, Henry Katanga, resumes today with key witness Naome Nyangweso scheduled to testify.

Last week, defense lawyers cross-examined Dr. Richard Ambayo, the pathologist in the case, over allegations that he leaked his postmortem report to the Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) before its presentation in court.

The defense, led by lawyer Elison Karuhanga, accused Dr. Ambayo of sharing his findings with an online blog and two UPDF soldiers, who allegedly used the information to initiate an inquest into Henry Katanga’s death.

Dr. Ambayo denied these allegations, asserting that he did not disseminate the report before its official presentation in court.

He also retracted an earlier statement, admitting that he does not know Martha Nkwanzi Katanga, one of the suspects, contradicting his previous testimony that Martha had assisted him in identifying Katanga’s body prior to the forensic examination.

Karuhanga questioned Dr. Ambayo’s credibility, suggesting possible bias due to the influence of Investigating Officer Detective Sgt. Beteise.

The defense also highlighted inconsistencies in Dr. Ambayo’s testimony, particularly his earlier claim that the entry wound was on the right side of the head, which conflicts with his postmortem report.

During the proceedings, the defense presented a photograph of Katanga’s body, showing lacerations on the left side of the head, which they argued contradicted Dr. Ambayo’s findings. However, Dr. Ambayo maintained that the injuries could represent exit wounds, asserting that his report was accurate.

The case revolves around the death of Henry Katanga, who, according to Police Form 48A, allegedly shot himself following a domestic violence incident.

Molly Katanga is standing trial alongside her daughters, Patricia Kakwanza and Martha Nkwanzi, as well as George Amanyire, a domestic worker, and Charles Otai, a nursing officer. The latter two are accused of destroying evidence and being accessories after the fact to murder.

Justice Isaac Muwata is presiding over the case, with the prosecution team comprising Assistant Director of Public Prosecutions Samali Wakooli and Chief State Attorneys Jonathan Muwaganya and Anna Kiiza. The defense team includes prominent lawyers Peter Kabatsi, MacDosman Kabega, Jet Tumwebaze, Bruce Musinguzi, and Elison Karuhanga.

The trial continues today with heightened anticipation as Naome Nyangweso takes the stand.

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