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Lyantonde Traders Protest Uncollected Garbage


Hundreds of traders and market vendors in Lyantonde town council, Lyantonde district are threatening to stage a protest over the uncollected garbage in the area.  

The traders say that all their workspaces are clogged with uncollected heaps of garbage, that have caused unbearable stench in the town. 

Wilson Wamala, the Chairperson of Lyantonde Town Council Traders’ Association, argues that they have repeatedly appealed to the local council leadership, which has however failed to address the problem.  

According to Wamala, the failure to collect garbage by authorities threatens businesses and the health of both traders and clients, yet they meet their tax obligations to the local government. 

He explains that many residents are now piling more trash upon the heaps in different collection points and junctions along roads and streets because the Town Council has failed to routinely collect the garbage for proper disposal.

Wamala argues that they have chosen to mobilize the affected business community to stage a protest, to compel the local leadership including the area Members of Parliament to provide a remedy to the problem.   

Ahmed Musiime, the Chairperson of Banana Matooke vendors in Lyantonde Town Council Central Market argues that they are losing many customers over the stench from the rotting garbage and filthy environment.  

He indicates that the town council last collected garbage from the market in January and they have since left it to accumulate, leading to the blocking of drainage channels, market lanes, and pathways.  

However, Mustafa Kalule, the Chairperson of Lyantonde Town Council says that they are facing financial constraints.  He explains that the central government policy of collecting all local revenues to the central treasury has crippled the operations of local governments because the money is not reimbursed to them in time despite the pressing demands. 

Kalule indicates that they have considered mobilizing all residents to undertake cleaning of their areas through a community service model, as they continue pondering on how to get lasting solutions. 

According to Kalule, the town council operates with only one garbage truck, which however broke down, and there is no money to repair it or even hire private service providers.


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