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Ministers shut down Evelyn Anite’s lecture on corruption


 State Minister for Investment and Privatization left the National Leadership Institute(NALI) in Kyankwanzi reeling with anger after fellow ministers shut down her lecture on corruption.

During the weeklong retreat at Kyankwanzi, Anite took to the podium to preach the gospel against corruption but to her shock, fellow ministers turned her down.

It is also reported that the ministers said she had her own dirty linen that she was not fit to lecture them on corrupton.

The action by the ministers left Anite dejected and was seen with a few colleagues who tried to console her.

It is reported that Anite would later leave Kyankwanzi prematurely, to the shock of everyone.

Earlier this month, the minister said mafia has tried so much to link her to dirty deals but has failed to get any evidence on her, saying she ready for jail if it ever comes out.

I know I have gone through fire but if I am guilty, I am ready to face whatever comes my way. If I have fallen short of God’s glory and evidence is there, I am ready to walk to Luzira. People are fearing the corrupt because they are powerful but I won’t back off.  If there is evidence that I took money from such and such an investor or have shares in such an such a company, I am ready to walk to Luzira,” Anite said.

Anite said following the expose of corruption in Uganda Investment Authority, the corrupt, she described as mafia have started schemes to tarnish her name by linking her to several flourishing businesses in the country .


She said allegations have also been brought to show she has amassed a lot of wealth.

“When I joined Parliament, my first salary was shs28 million! From a salary of shs500,000/ at the Uganda Media Centre to shs28 million. Now it has grown to shs40m! And you expect me to be poor! You say am so rich because I have mentioned corruption? I talked to IGG and asked she does lifestyle audit on me,” Anite said.

She added that for her hotel in Arua and factory, she pays all taxes.

The minister said this was the same story when she started fighting for Uganda Telecom .

“When I declared war that its assets should not be divide to a few people at the expense of Ugandans, I was called names and threatened . The  way corruption fought back was to say I took shs28 billion from investors from Mauritius. Who is thins investor can give Anite Shs28bn and doesn’t take the company but keeps quiet? I want to tell you even if Ugandans didn’t say thank you, UTL is now 100% locally owned. Despite all allegations that I had interest and given money, Ugandans now have a company in the name of  UTEL.”

“However, this came at a cost and it was heavy because the mafia followed me to my political seat but  I don’t mind because it was not in my interest to be in politics. I lost my political office to corruption.”


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