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Museveni warns of upcoming swoop against corrupt gov’t officials


President Museveni has reiterated his stance against corruption, warning of an upcoming operation against corrupt officials in government.

“I am here at NDC Uganda to launch the fight for corruption. The politicians and those in the public service who have eaten up our country as they misuse financial resources, fuel, even food,” Museveni said.

“Since they’re a small group they are easy to deal with, we shall crash them because they sabotage our economy and service delivery. We are ready to crash everyone. If a leaf falls in tea, we just remove it but if a fly falls in the tea, we pour it. The corrupt are the flies and we shall pour them away.”

He was on Saturday speaking during the pass out of 21 UPDF officers at the National Defence College in Buikwe district.

The president insisted that no one will stop him as he weeds out the corrupt from government, adding that he will give more details about the upcoming operation during his state of the nation address, later this week.

“Corruption is not at the peripheral but something at the core with most civil servants and some few elements within the forces.”

He said UPDF has developed into a formidable force as a result of doing the correct analysis of situations.

He observed that the application of the correct diagnosis and prescription of occurrences to everyone has made the country move forward.

“We know what to do, when, where to do it, and how it works,” he explained, adding that it’s structurally easy to crush the few parasites engaged in corruption.

The president added that everything is in place and urged everyone to do what is supposed to do by avoiding ideological disorientation.

He, however, pledged to continue offering more training opportunities (building more schools) for troops other than developing infrastructure, arguing that resources are still scarce and should be prioritized.

“If training schools are excellent, we expose our people and these schools can become money earners with foreigners trekking in.”

He noted that the future is bright if troops maintain uprightness.

The 21 graduands, two of which  were lady officers, Col Sylvia Meeme and Col Hon Dr Victoria Nekesa successfully completed the National Security and Strategic Studies (NSSS) course (NDC Course) and passed exams of the first part of their Masters in Security Strategy (MASS) program of Makerere University.

Upon leaving NDC they continue with a research paper for the award of their Masters Degree.

Brig Gen Joseph Balikudembe, Brig Gen Peter Nabasa, Col Edward Mutawe, Col David Opeero, Col Judy Rukubya and Col Paddy Ankunda, were among today’s 21 graduands and were recognised and awarded certificates of completion.

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