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Not even MPs are safe , says Bobi on violent Akamba re-arrest


The leader of the National Unity Platform (NUP), Robert Kyagulanyi, commonly known as Bobi Wine has said with the current state of affairs, not even Members of Parliament are safe from inhumane treatment by state agents.

Commenting about the violent re-arrest of Paul Akamba after being granted bail by the Anti Corruption Court, Kyagulanyi said it is unfortunate that citizens can be treated that way.

“Very unfortunate scenes at the Anti-Corruption Court yesterday as this NRM MP was violently abducted just after being granted bail. Previously, members of the opposition have been falling victim to this illegal practice, in addition to the regular abductions of our supporters,” Kyagulanyi said.

The violent re-arrest done at court premises has mirrored similar despicable incidents where Dr.Kizza Besigye was re-arrested by the Black Mambas at High Court in 2007, the Kaweesi murder suspects re-arrested shortly after release on bail as well as MPs Muhammad Ssegirinya and Allan Ssewanyana.

Kyagulanyi said the latest incident should be an eye opener to everyone.

“Sadly, the Parliament and many other leaders have always looked away as we demand for an end to this impunity,” Kyagulanyi said.

“Hopefully, they(MPs)  now learn that if the law does not protect a member of the opposition, neither will it protect them when they need its protection the most. We must collectively fight to put an end to this blatant abuse of rights.”

Several members of the public have condemned the incident.

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