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NUP’s Moses Bigirwa forms new opposition pressure group


Former National Unity Platform deputy secretary for mobilisation in charge eastern region Moses Bigirwa has unveiled a new pressure group to expand the frontier in the fight to oust President Museveni from power.

Named,  Eastern Revolutionary Platform (ERP), the new pressure group comprises mainly of politicians mostly from Democratic Party and National Unity Platform and aims at pushing the Eastern Uganda agenda but also position the region to take power.

The group was launched in Jinja on Tuesday.

“Our main focus shall be to position the Eastern agenda and to this, we shall awaken voters, leaders and all stakeholders who matter to drive the eastern narrative,” Bigirwa said.

“We have seen UPC in Lango, NUP in Buganda, NRM in Western and all these regions have benefited from  the national cake but we have lagged behind. ”

“We are tired of lagging behind in all spheres of life; we are the  least employed, less developed and we get poor service delivery . Our time is now, ” said Francis Adepo, their secretary.

Uganda has in the past had several opposition pressure groups, with the People’s Front for Transition led by four time presidential candidate, Dr.Kizza Besigye being the recent one.

It remains to be seen if the new pressure group will lead to change of government.

The leader of the new pressure group, Moses Bigirwa was in the past suspended from the National Unity Platform for causing divisions within the party .

Bigirwa was accused of having   been behind squabbles, in-fights and divisions between some of NUP leaders from Busoga Sub-region.

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