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Pader District Officials Clash Over Disputed Land Rent Fees


Pader officials fight over 'missing' sh365 million from land rent fees
PHOTO — The Independent

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Officials in Pader District are embroiled in a dispute over a sum of sh365 million in land rent fees, with contention arising over its allocation among sub-counties.

Allegations have been made by sub-county officials against the Pader District Executive Committee (DEC) and former Pader District Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), Robert Adebuason, regarding the diversion of these funds for undisclosed purposes. However, Adebuason has refuted these claims, asserting that the money remains within the district and has not been misappropriated.

The funds in question are reported to be premiums and land rent fees paid by Pura Organic Agrotech Limited on December 11th, 2023.

Stephen Freddy Okello, the Angagura sub-county chairperson, has voiced concerns over the lack of transparency in the distribution of these funds, alleging that the district failed to adhere to legal requirements for revenue sharing as stipulated by the Local Government Act.

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Accusations have also been leveled by Dickson Ojok, an Angagura sub-county councilor, who claims that the district officials obtained the premiums without the consent of the immediate landlords, the residents of Angagura sub-county.

The involvement of the land in the jurisdiction of the Ker-Kwaro Acholi, under the leadership of Rwot David Onen Acana II, has further complicated matters, with the Acholi paramount chief distancing the institution from the land leasing and subsequent payment to the district.

In response to these allegations, former Pader District CAO, Adebuason, has denied any wrongdoing, stating that the claims of embezzlement are unfounded. However, he has not provided clarification regarding the presence of funds in the district account.

Meanwhile, the Pader District Vice Chairperson, Justin Ocen, contends that the land leased to Pura Organic Agrotech Limited falls under district jurisdiction, affirming the district’s right to allocate the funds as deemed appropriate.

Ocen further explains that the district council passed a policy to allocate land to investors, with Pura Organic Agrotech Limited being allocated land in Acholi Ranch. He asserts that the district intends to utilize the funds for various planned purposes, in accordance with legal requirements.

Legal disputes surrounding the land leasing have arisen in the past, with court records indicating challenges to the legitimacy of the leases granted by the district. Despite court rulings acknowledging the land as customary and requiring consent from customary owners, the district proceeded with the leasing process.

Efforts to obtain clarification from relevant district officials, including the acting land officer and the current CAO, have been unsuccessful, with both declining to comment or citing lack of knowledge regarding the matter.

Concerns and opposition from former and current political representatives indicate the contentious nature of the issue, with threats of legal action looming over the disputed allocation of land rent fees.

Key Points
– Dispute over sh365 million land rent fees in Pader District
– Allegations of misappropriation against district officials
– Lack of transparency in fund distribution
– Involvement of Ker-Kwaro Acholi further complicates the issue
– Denial of wrongdoing by former CAO
– District asserts its right to allocate funds
– Legal disputes over legitimacy of land leasing
– Failure to obtain clarification from relevant officials
– Opposition from political representatives
– Threats of legal action over disputed funds

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