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Parliament blocks Bill dissolving NITA


By Ezrah Kashumbusha,


During Wednesday’s plenary Parliament has blocked the abolishing of National Information Technology Authority after Government had earlier proposed the have it’s roles taken over by the Ministry of ICT.

In session Chaired by the Speaker of Parliament Hon. Anita Among, the bill presented by Hon. Tonny Ayo sought NITA to stay because of the Strategic role in spearheading the digital Transformation programme

“ NITA reduced duplication of up to US$92M by establishing the National Data Centre and the Disaster Recovery sites hosting 287 critical applications in over 100 Government institutions” Ayoo said

Ayo who is also the Chairperson of the ICT Committee added that NITA has enabled Government to save up to shs. 49b by providing internet from bandwidth by reducing costs of internet from US$70 to US$35 per megabyte per second with a projection of a further reduction to US$20Mbps.

The committee report further high lighted that NITA not only generated money but also saved Government monies by not posting high costs or draining the national treasury .

The roles of NITA include promote standardization in the planning, acquisition, implementation, delivery, support and maintenance of information technology equip and services uniformly in quality adequacy and reliability of information technology usage throughout Uganda.

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