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Police Arrest 30 For Protesting EACOP Near Chinese Embassy


Police in Kampala have confirmed that they are holding 30 individuals, including students and community members, who participated in unlawful demonstrations against the construction of the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) on June 26.

Kampala Metropolitan Deputy Police spokesperson Luke Owoyesigyire stated that the detainees include 21 males and nine females, held at Jinja Road Police Station. The group marched towards the Chinese Embassy to deliver a petition opposing the EACOP construction.

The demonstration began peacefully around 10:00 a.m., with students marching towards the Chinese Embassy in Kololo, carrying banners, placards, and copies of the petition. They chanted slogans against EACOP.

Bob Barigye, a student leader, explained that they intended to meet the Ambassador on behalf of Ugandans, particularly the youth affected by the project, emphasizing their peaceful intentions and desire for respect.

Yuda Kaye, a student from Makerere Business School, highlighted concerns about the pipeline’s impact on biodiversity, noting that it threatens endangered species and increases carbon emissions, necessitating urgent protection measures.

In their petition, the students and community members urged the Chinese government to cease funding the EACOP project, citing its dangers to Uganda and the region. They pointed out that the 1,443km heated pipeline from Hoima to Tanga, Tanzania, poses threats to Lake Victoria, forests, and rivers.

After addressing reporters near the embassy, the group began a peaceful march towards the embassy but was intercepted by police from the Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) just a few meters from the gate. When the protesters and police failed to reach an agreement, violent scenes ensued. CTD officers, supported by the Field Force Unit (FFU), arrived in two police pickups, and arrests began.

Leaders, including Barigye and Kaye, were among the first to be detained and transported to Jinja Road Police Station. The police returned to arrest the remaining demonstrators who had been forced to sit outside the embassy.

Owoyesigyire stated that the individuals were involved in an unlawful assembly, carrying placards with anti-oil messages. He mentioned that they are detained at Jinja Road Police Station and are facing allegations related to the unlawful assembly. Further details will be provided as they become available.

He urged the public to remain calm and follow legal procedures for protests or assemblies.

These arrests follow a similar march by the same students to Parliament on May 29, where they petitioned the Speaker over the same issue.

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