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Police gets new spokesperson as Enanga is transferred


Long serving Fred Enanga has been replaced as the police spokesperson, the UG Bulletin has learnt.

According to the latest changes, Enanga has been taken to Interpol as the deputy director and  replaced by Kituuma Rusoke, the former head of the Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) law enforcement team.

Having  joined the Uganda Police Force in 2001 Enanga  has worked in various departments of the law enforcement body.

He was first appointed as spokesperson in 2014 to replace Judith Nabakooba.

To the public, Enanga, with his impassiveness, calm slow drawl has been the face revenging police,  sometimes ‘defending the indefensible.’

Last year, the then police spokesperson, John Martins Okoth Ochola described Enanga as the best spokesperson in East Afr

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