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President Museveni Emphasizes Wealth Creation and Traditional Family Values at Inter-Religious Family Festival


President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has urged families to engage in wealth creation to ensure the well-being of their members.

“A family must have wealth. If the head of the family is not a wealth creator, we don’t refer to him as a head of the family; we refer to him as a vagabond,” President Museveni remarked during the first-ever Inter-Religious Family Festival at Kololo Ceremonial Grounds.

The event, themed “Celebrating family, faith, freedom: One family under God for African Renaissance,” highlighted the values of a traditional African family, which include fearing God, respecting ancestors, caring for family members, making wealth, producing and caring for children, respecting and obeying parents, and valuing education.

“Even traditionally, you had to learn how to fight, but also some people learned other skills like Emyooga such as farming and defense,” President Museveni added.

He noted that religions brought by foreigners added value to African traditions rather than replacing them. “Modern religions such as Christianity and Islam enriched our traditions. However, we must discard negative practices like the mistreatment of women and rivalries among families.”

President Museveni also expressed gratitude to the event organizers, emphasizing the government’s support for the family as the foundation of society. He reiterated his stance against homosexuality, describing it as a deviation from the norm.

“I want to thank the Global Peace Foundation of Dr. Moon for bringing this occasion here,” he said.

The President advised young people to take life seriously and avoid immoral acts like premarital sex. “Respect your parents, study, and help at home. Don’t try to be a wife or husband when you are not married. Concentrate on your studies and get married after finishing your education.”

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The First Lady and Minister of Education and Sports, Maama Janet Museveni, highlighted the importance of the family in God’s plan. “The family festival comes at a crucial time given the global challenges in maintaining values and morals essential for a productive society.”

Maama Janet pointed out government efforts, including the Traditional and Cultural Leaders Act of 2011, to promote positive norms and customs. She urged religious and cultural leaders to foster coexistence between cultural and religious values and combat harmful practices like defilement and child sacrifice.

“Through these efforts and by God’s grace, we will witness families and a nation free from vices such as juvenile delinquency, moral decadence, corruption, and substance abuse,” she stated.

The Global Peace Foundation honored President Museveni and Maama Janet for championing family values, culture, and religious freedom in Africa.

Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon, Chairman and Founder of the Global Peace Foundation, emphasized that the purpose of creation is the family. “A family of a man and a woman who co-create with God is the foundation of His kingdom.”

The event was also attended by Vice President Jessica Alupo, Ministers, and various religious and cultural leaders.

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