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Real Madrid beat Dortmund to win Champions League at Wembley


Borussia Dortmund went into this Champions League final as heavy underdogs but played well enough, and created enough opportunities, to make a mockery of that tag in a superb first 45 minutes.

Adeyemi faltered as he raced clear in the early stages, choosing to go around Courtois but ending up too wide, wasting the opening. Courtois then saved well from Adeyemi before Fullkrug’s low shot rolled agonisingly against the inside of the post.

Courtois saved well from Fullkrug’s header after the break, but the longer the game went on there was a sense that Dortmund would pay the ultimate price for not taking their chances, with Real experts at making their own opportunities count.

Dortmund were backed magnificently by their noisy and colourful fans, who gave their gallant team a rousing ovation after the final whistle, a reward for all their efforts.

But it was all to no avail as they lost their second Champions League final at Wembley after missing out against Bayern Munich in 2013.

When coach Edin Terzic reflects on this year’s events at Wembley, he will do so with a sense of what might have been.

Story by BBC

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