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Three Killed, Six Injured in Bomb Attack Amidst Heavy Fighting in North Kivu


On Monday, a bomb explosion claimed the lives of three people and injured six others in the town of Bweremana, located in the Masisi territory of North Kivu province, according to local sources. The deadly incident occurred during a fierce exchange of gunfire between the March 23 Movement (M23 rebels) and the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC), along with a militia coalition operating under the Wazalendo (Patriots) umbrella.

Eyewitnesses, speaking on condition of anonymity, reported that the bomb explosion killed three children and injured six others, including a pregnant woman. The injured were quickly transported to Minova for medical treatment. The fighting also spread to nearby areas, including Kamonyi, Butumbalonge, Bifura, Kashingamutwe, and Mupfunyi Shanga.

No official statements have been released by any party regarding the bomb explosion. The ongoing conflict has led to significant displacement of residents, exacerbating the humanitarian crisis in the region. On Sunday, intense clashes were also reported in Kirumba, Lubero territory. Bertrand Bisimwa, president of M23, issued a statement accusing the FARDC and the militia coalition of attacking M23 positions.

The renewed fighting comes despite a two-week truce requested by the United States government, intended to allow civilians access to humanitarian aid. Both the M23 rebels and FARDC soldiers have accused each other of violating the ceasefire by launching assaults.

In response to the escalating conflict, hundreds of locals staged demonstrations in Butembo town on Monday, expressing their frustration over the advance of M23 rebels in the northern direction of North Kivu province. Protesters also condemned what they described as Rwandan aggression on Congolese soil and called for a full-scale assault by FARDC on the M23 rebels.

The conflict between M23 and the Congolese government began in March 2022, led by Bertrand Bisimwa and General Sultan Makenga. The DR Congo government has accused Rwanda of supporting M23, a claim that both Rwanda and M23 deny. The rebels assert that their fight is against corruption, xenophobia, and discrimination within the DR Congo’s leadership.

The situation remains tense as the international community calls for restraint and a peaceful resolution to the conflict, while the local population continues to bear the brunt of the violence.


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