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Uganda’s Bus Manufacturing Company Kiira Motors Eyes Tanzanian Market



The Minister of State for Regional Cooperation, John Mulimba, has held a cordial meeting with Maj. Gen. Paul Kisesa, the High Commissioner of the United Republic of Tanzania to Uganda.

The meeting held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Kampala served as a follow-up to the recently concluded Second Uganda-Tanzania Business Forum held in Dar-es-Salaam in May 2024.

During the discussions, Minister Mulimba emphasized the importance of enhanced collaboration between the Tanzania High Commission in Uganda and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

He reiterated #Uganda’s request made during the Business Forum for the consideration of manufacture and export of a consignment of electric Kiira Motors EV buses to the Tanzanian market and urged for the expeditious advancement of this initiative.

Mulimba informed Ambassador Kisesa of Uganda’s efforts to improve trade relations by rehabilitating the MV Pemba and MV Kaawa on Lake Victoria, facilitating the transportation of goods and services.

He expressed appreciation to the Government of Tanzania for constructing a vessel with a 400-tonne cargo capacity destined for Port Bell.

H.E. Maj. Gen. Kisesa welcomed the updates provided by Mulimba and emphasized the importance of timely and routine engagements between the High Commission and the Ministry.

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