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UNBS seizes 700 bags of underweight sugar


Standards body, UNBS has seized at least 700 bags of underweight Kakira Sugar from a local store in Soroti.

According to UNBS, the sugar was discovered during a follow up of underweight sugar in Kakira branded sacks, leading to the raid of the stores of V.G Keshwala and Sons Limited in Soroti district.

“During the inspections, it was discovered that the packaging material of the underweight sugar was tampered with, as the inner polyethylene layer was found with holes,” UNBS said.

The standards body said management or owners of V.G Keshwala where the underweight sugar was discovered have since reported to UNBS for further interrogation and prosecution will follow on offences of possession and distribution of underweight pre-packaged goods.

“Packing, selling and  being in possession of or holding for sale underweight pre-packaged goods, is an offence punishable by law, as it contravenes the UNBS Act as amended 2013, the Weights and Measures Act and the Weights and Measures (Sale and labelling of goods) (Amendment) Rules 2020.”

Kakira Sugar recently distanced itself from a viral video in which sacks of their sugar was measured and was underweight.

The four minute video is said to have been recorded in one of the supermarkets in Soroti in which Kakira Sugar Limited bags supposed to weigh 50kg where only 47 and 48 kgs.

However, Kakira distanced itself from the sugar.

Officials said whereas the bags were from Kakira, they had been tampered with .

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