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Ways to prevent fungal infection


Ways to prevent fungal infection

Fungal infection, one of the most common skin problems, is a disease that is very easy to catch but has a long and troublesome treatment process. The infection, which is generally seen on the skin, toes, hair and nails, can also occur in the groin and vagina.

Fungal infection, usually caused by yeast or fungal microorganisms, occurs and spreads more quickly, especially in moist and airless environments. The infection, which is a highly contagious skin disease, easily spreads to other parts of the body if left untreated and can lead to much more serious health problems. The incidence of fungal infections is higher in people who use antibiotics, people with weak immune systems, and children. Fungal infection; It is divided into types according to body parts such as foot fungus, body fungus, hair fungus, nail fungus, groin fungus and vaginal fungus.

What are the causes of fungal infection?

  • Hands and feet are constantly damp or wet
  • Use of shoes that prevent the skin from breathing, especially in summer, wearing closed shoes
  • Not paying attention to personal hygiene rules. For example; Sharing items such as slippers, towels, socks, shoes, nail clippers, combs and nail files with other people and not paying due attention to body cleanliness
  • Going to public pools, beaches and baths
  • Fungal infection is more common in people who sweat excessively and in soldiers, athletes and young people.
  • Contact with people with fungal diseases
  • Wearing clothes that are too tight

What are the symptoms of fungal infection?

  • Ring-shaped rashes and bumps with or without crust on the skin, especially on the chest, back, legs, arms, and abdomen, with red edges
  • White spots inside the mouth and on the tongue, as well as pain or redness inside the mouth and cracking at the corners of the mouth
  • Pain in the throat and difficulty swallowing
  • Brown spots with a middle part almost red on the hips, inner parts of the legs, skin folds and groin
  • Redness and pain around the vaginal area and dark and milky discharge in women, itching and burning at the tip of the penis in men
  • Pain and burning sensation while urinating
  • Drying, thickening and flaking of the skin of the palm, red and scaly spots on the back of the hand, blisters
  • Open wounds between fingers, thickening of nails, deformation of their shape

How long does it take for a fungal infection to go away?

When faced with a fungal disease, waiting for the disease to go away on its own is one of the most common mistakes. Taking precautions and starting treatment immediately from the moment symptoms of the disease are detected is an important factor that determines the treatment process of the disease. The type and progression of the fungal infection play an important role in both determining the treatment to be administered and the duration of treatment. The treatment process of fungal infection varies depending on personal characteristics. While a single dose of medication may cure the disease completely in some people, the treatment process may be longer in some patients. The important thing is to apply the correct treatment according to the cause of the disease and to use the prescribed medications regularly.

fungal infection treatment

Treatment of fungal infection is aimed at eliminating the cause, similar to the treatment of other diseases. Another important factor that determines the treatment process is the type of fungal infection. Medicines recommended by the doctor are used in the treatment of body fungus. Medicines used for fungal infection should be consumed regularly and in the amounts recommended by the doctor. In addition to oral medications, the use of antifungal shampoo is also recommended in the treatment of hair fungus. For the treatment of foot fungus, one of the most common types of fungus, sprays, creams or powders with antifungal properties can be used on the skin surface. In addition, treatment can be supported with antifungal drugs. To treat nail fungus, antifungal medications similar to nail polish can be applied to the nails, and treatment is supported by oral antifungal medications. In the treatment of groin fungus, antifungal creams applied around the groin are generally used. In the treatment of vaginal fungus, antifungal suppositories can be applied into the vagina and the treatment can be supported with oral antifungal medications.

What is good for fungal infection?

The area where the fungal infection occurs must be dried very well to prevent it from remaining moist. The best practice for fungal infection is to keep the diseased area dry. Avoiding sharing personal items such as nail clippers, nail files, combs, towels, slippers, shoes and underwear reduces the risk of contracting the disease. Avoiding walking barefoot in common areas such as swimming pools, saunas and Turkish baths, not wearing wet socks, and especially not using tight, airtight shoes reduces the possibility of fungal infection.

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