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Wazalendo SACCO Supports 16th CDF Cup


Wazalendo Savings and Credit Cooperative Society (WSACCO) has made a significant contribution to the 16th edition of the Chief of Defence Forces (CDF) Cup by donating sports uniforms to the participating teams.

The donation, which includes gear for 20 football teams and 20 netball teams, was presented ahead of the tournament’s kickoff on Tuesday, September 17, 2024, at Buhinga Stadium in Fort Portal City.

The tournament will have an exciting football match between the host Mountain Brigade and the Marine Brigade on Wednesday at 3 p.m.

The day’s events will also feature a netball game where Mountain Brigade will compete against Maga Maga in the morning.

The Engineering Brigade and Bombo General Quarter will enter the tournament as the defending champions in football and netball, respectively.

During the donation ceremony, Brigadier General Richard Karemire, Joint Staff of Sports, Education, and Culture, expressed gratitude for WSACCO’s support.

He highlighted the significant impact of the donation on the organization of the tournament, stating, “It’s been a big boost to our efforts as we organize the 16th Edition of the CDF CUP tournament hosted by the Mountain Division in Fort Portal City.”

Brig. Gen. Karemire also announced that the tournament would be officially opened by the Commander Land Forces, Lt Gen Kayanja Muhanga.

Col Joseph Freddy Onata, CEO of Wazalendo SACCO, emphasized the SACCO’s commitment to supporting the UPDF and fostering unity and fitness through sports.

“We are privileged to support this year’s tournament and have provided sports gear to all 20 football and 20 netball teams,” Onata said.

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“This contribution enhances fitness, entertainment, and unity among the forces and reinforces their connection to a successful SACCO.”

The support from Wazalendo SACCO underscores its role in promoting well-being and camaraderie within the UPDF through community and sporting initiatives.


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