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We thank the US for sanctions against Among- Bobi


National Unity Platform leader, Robert Kyagulanyi also known as Bobi Wine has applauded the West, especially the US and UK for heeding to “our pleas” in the wake of the fresh sanctions against Speaker Anita Among and former Chief of Defence Forces, Gen Peter Elwelu.

“We welcome these sanctions and appreciate the government of the United States for listening to the cry of the oppressed people of Uganda,” Kyagulanyi said on Thursday.

The US department of state on Thursday announced fresh sanctions targeting the speaker and his spouse, Moses Magogo, Minister Amos Lugoloobi, Agnes Nandutu and Mary Goretti Kitutu over their role in swindling of Karamoja iron sheets.

The spouses for these officials have also been slapped with travel bans to US.

“They are being designated due to their involvement in significant corruption related to conduct that misused public resources and diverted materials from Uganda’s neediest communities,” the US government said.

“All these officials abused their public positions for their personal benefit at the expense of Ugandans. Today’s actions reaffirm the US commitment to support transparency in Uganda’s democratic processes, counter corruption globally, and address the broader culture of impunity that prevents all Ugandans from enjoying their human rights and fundamental freedoms.”

The US government also sanctioned Gen Elwelu over what they termed as human rights violations.

Commenting about the sanctions Bobi Wine said this has been their plea to the West to crack the whip against errant government officials.

“ We hope more individuals and organizations responsible for the suffering of our people will be sanctioned.”

“This sends a clear message to those responsible for gross violations of human rights; those responsible for the plunder of our nation’s resources, that yes, today they control all institutions that should be holding them accountable, but they are not far from accountability. “

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