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What is Edema? How to Throw?


What is Edema? How to Throw?

Swelling that develops as a result of fluid accumulation in different tissues of the body, especially in the skin, is called edema. Edema may develop due to many reasons. However, due to the influence of gravity, it is often noticed in the feet, ankles and legs. During night sleep, edema in the legs spreads to other parts of the body and even to the face. When you wake up in the morning, it is seen that the edema is mostly on the face and hands. When daily activity begins, towards the evening, edema fluid descends to the legs, causing swelling and edema in this area.

The most common diseases that cause edema are heart failure, kidney failure, excessive protein leakage from the kidneys into the urine (nephrotic syndrome), liver failure (such as cirrhosis), underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism), medications (some blood pressure, sugar, chemotherapy drugs, painkillers). such as), clot formation in the leg veins (venous thrombosis) or the presence of varicose veins, lymphedema (due to infection, tumor, surgery), infection of the leg skin (such as cellulitis). In addition, edema may develop before and during menstruation (menstrual period) due to excessive salt consumption, obesity, sitting motionless for a long time with drooping feet (such as long trips, working while standing or sitting motionless for a long time), pregnancy, and menstruation in women.

Who gets it? Who are at risk?

People who are less active, obese, diabetic, have a salty and carbohydrate-rich diet, have a depressed, tense mood and temperament, and women who are close to menopause are at a higher risk of developing edema due to slowing of circulation, water retention of the fat mass in the body, hormonal changes and other unknown mechanisms. is too much.

In addition, edema may develop in people with heart, kidney and liver failure, circulatory disorders in the legs (such as venous thrombosis, varicose veins, lymphedema), certain types of diabetes (diabetes mellitus), high blood pressure (hypertension) or those who use antirheumatic painkillers.

What are the symptoms of edema?

Symptoms may vary depending on where the edema is located.

  • Shortness of breath in case of fluid accumulation in the lungs or heart membrane
  • If there is fluid accumulation in the abdomen, abdominal swelling, indigestion
  • Increased skin tightening and brightness
  • Skin redness and pain on the leg skin due to infection (such as cellulitis)
  • Swelling in the hands, face and legs and difficulty in movements in that area

Additionally, when you press on it with your finger, a temporary hole may appear in the pressed area.

How to Get Rid of Edema?

Edema treatment is planned according to the cause, as in every disease. In people who do not have a known significant disease, it would be appropriate to restrict salt and carbohydrate consumption, to keep the legs elevated while resting, to avoid being immobile for long periods of time, and to ensure daily fluid consumption of around 1.5-2 liters in order to eliminate edema, especially in the legs. In addition, with the advice of a doctor, applying bandages to the legs, massaging, and using diuretic medication when necessary may be useful.

Apart from this, if there is an underlying disease (kidney disease, heart failure, allergy, infection, medication use, etc.), medical treatment must be carried out under the supervision of the relevant specialist doctor.

Which diseases cause edema? Can edema be a symptom of some diseases?

Heart and kidney failure due to uncontrolled diabetes or hypertension, and cirrhosis due to various reasons (such as infections such as Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C) are important diseases that can cause widespread edema throughout the body.

Does edema cause some diseases?

Intense edema in the legs may prevent the patient from walking and doing his/her work. After a while, it may cause skin cracking, color change, infection in that area, and fluid leakage from the skin.

Can edema be prevented? Do you have any special nutrition and lifestyle recommendations?

Reducing salt and carbohydrate consumption, exercising regularly, not remaining motionless in the same position for a long time, walking in a narrow space or moving arms and legs for 35-40 seconds every 1-2 hours in the office or on long trips, protecting swollen areas from additional pressure, injury and extreme heat. important.

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