What is Fifth Disease (Parvovirus B19)? How to Treat?
Fifth disease is a viral illness from which most children recover quickly. It is especially common in children between the ages of 5 and 15.
What is Fifth Disease (Parvovirus B19)?
The disease manifests itself with a rash that causes the child’s cheeks to turn bright red. That’s why this disease is sometimes called “slapped cheek” rash. After a few days, the rash spreads to the trunk, arms and legs. The healing process usually takes 1 to 3 weeks. Most physicians advise people who are sick to wait for symptoms to improve, as there is currently no medication to shorten the course of the disease. However, if the immune system is weak, the doctor must monitor the patient closely until the symptoms disappear.
What are the Symptoms of Fifth Disease?
Fifth disease; It starts with low fever, headache, nasal congestion or runny nose. Symptoms tend to appear 4 to 14 days after exposure to the virus, according to the Arthritis Foundation. Children younger than 10 years old are more likely to get a rash. The rash usually starts on the face and causes the cheeks to become bright red. Rashes usually disappear on one area of the body and reappear on another area of the body within a few days.
After the cheeks, red spots appear on the chest, back, arms and legs. These rashes can be itchy. After a few days, the spots take on a lacy web-like appearance. Rashes may appear worse when the skin is hot or in the sun. In older children and adults, fifth disease may not cause a red rash on the cheeks. However, it can cause joint swelling and pain that can last for weeks, months, and very rarely years. However, it usually disappears over time without any permanent problems.
What Causes Fifth Disease?
Parvovirus B19 causes of fifth disease It ranks first among. The virus spreads in droplets when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or touches a surface. This airborne virus tends to spread among primary school-age children through saliva and respiratory secretions. It is most common in late winter, spring and early summer. However, it can spread at any time and among people of all ages.
Most adults have antibodies that prevent the development of fifth disease due to previous exposure during childhood. When fifth disease occurs in adulthood, symptoms can be severe. If you contract fifth disease while you’re pregnant, there may be serious risks to your unborn baby, including life-threatening anemia. For children with healthy immune systems, fifth disease is a common, mild disease that rarely produces permanent results.
Fifth disease symptoms Although it resembles a cold, the period before the rash appears is the most contagious period. When the rash appears, it means that the body has been fighting the infection for a while. During this period, the person is no longer contagious. Children usually do not spread the infection after they develop the rash.
How Is Fifth Disease Diagnosed?
Doctors can usually diagnose fifth disease by seeing the rash on the face and body. If someone doesn’t have a rash but has other symptoms, their doctor will check to see if they have parvovirus B19. fifth disease diagnosis may perform blood tests to determine This disease is called fifth disease because it is the fifth viral skin rash known to affect children in a list of six diseases. Other diseases on the list are as follows:
- Measles
- scarlet fever
- Rubella
- Dukes disease
- Fifth disease (Erythema infectiosum)
- roseola
All of these diseases can cause viral skin rash. Due to the skin rash, other diseases on the list can sometimes be confused with Fifth disease. For this reason, the most commonly used method for diagnosis is antibody tests.
How Is Fifth Disease Treated?
Fifth disease is caused by a virus. Therefore, it cannot be treated with antibiotics. In most cases, no medication is needed as it is a mild illness that resolves on its own. Usually children with fifth disease feel well. Once the fever and mild cold symptoms have passed, treatment may not be necessary except for discomfort caused by the rash. However, it is necessary to proceed with the process under the supervision of a doctor. If your child’s rash is itchy, you can consult your doctor to help relieve the discomfort. Fifth disease treatment During treatment, the doctor may also recommend medications for fever or joint pain.
Fifth Disease in Adults
Although fifth disease usually affects children, it can also occur in adults. Fifth disease in adults almost always has a mild course. Symptoms mostly include joint pain and swelling. In addition, a mild rash may occur, but the rash does not always occur. Some adults with fifth disease have no symptoms.
Adults rarely have problems with the fifth. Pregnant women and adults with compromised immune systems or chronic anemia may face complications if they contract fifth disease.
Fifth Disease in Pregnancy and the Baby
Most people who come into contact with the virus that causes fifth disease and later develop infection do not experience any problems as a result. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), roughly 50 percent of pregnant women are immune to the virus, so they will not contract fifth disease even if they are exposed. In those who are not immune, exposure may mean mild illness. It is unlikely that a developing fetus will be affected by this condition, but it is possible for a mother to transmit the condition to her unborn child.
In rare cases, a fetus whose mother has parvovirus B19 may develop severe anemia. This condition makes it difficult for the developing fetus to make red blood cells (RBCs) and may result in miscarriage. Babies with anemia caused by fifth disease may need a blood transfusion. In some cases, the condition can lead to stillbirth or miscarriage.
If a baby contracts fifth disease in the womb, there is no cure. The doctor will monitor the mother and fetus throughout the pregnancy. The baby will likely receive additional medical care after birth, including blood transfusions if necessary. Miscarriages caused by fifth disease are not common. Miscarriage usually occurs in the first trimester or first three months of pregnancy. There is no cure for fifth disease during pregnancy. But doctors request additional monitoring. This may include:
- More prenatal visits
- Additional ultrasounds
- Regular blood test
How is Fifth Disease Transmitted?
Fifth disease is contagious in the earliest stage of infection, before symptoms such as a rash appear. It is transmitted through respiratory secretions such as saliva or sputum. These fluids are often produced along with runny nose and sneezing, which are early symptoms of fifth disease. For these reasons, fifth disease contagion It is quite high. It may only become clear when the rash appears that the symptoms are not the result of a cold or flu. Rashes usually appear two to three weeks after exposure to the virus.
It is difficult to completely prevent fifth disease. Because there is no vaccine to prevent the disease. However, once someone experiences fifth disease, they will not get it again. Immunity after infection lasts for life. Washing hands well and often is the best way to protect yourself from the virus that causes fifth disease and can help prevent the spread of many infections.
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